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Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Reade

Written: March 29th, 2021

Posted: March 29th, 2021

Warning: None

Word Count: 925

Summary: The reader is a hard worker. However when she develops feelings for a Jedi, she realizes just how else shares those feelings for him. 

"There's no way he likes me!" You chided

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"There's no way he likes me!" You chided. "Have you seen him with Padme? The man literally beams."

Y/B/F, scoffed. "You've got it wrong. That's how he is when he's with you."

You shook your head while rolling your eyes. "Right, because I'm some beautiful-looking Galactic senator that can offer him the entire galaxy." A quiet snort escaped from you.

"Come on. Y/N." They groaned. "Don't be like that-"

"Be like what?" You questioned. "I'm the help. What could he quite possibly see in me that he doesn't see in her?"

Y/B/F let out a defeated sigh, as they began walking down the corridor towards the area in which they could get their job started.

"My point exactly." You huffed, turning on your heel readying to go in the opposite direction.

As you walked down the corridor, you could sense someone following you. Hiding behind one of the pillars, you awaited the being. Once they were within arms reach, you grabbed them before pushing them up against the wall, pressing your chest firm against theirs while your forearm was securely anchored along their chest.

The sound of Anakin's chuckle filled your ears.

Removing yourself from the close proximity between you and Anakin, you sent a playful smack to his arm, causing him to flinch at your unsuspecting reaction.

"Ani!" You hissed. "You nearly scared me half to death!"

A toothy grin made its way along the seams of Anakin's lips. "Sorry, Y/N." He chuckled. "I couldn't resist."

Rolling your eyes, you let out a frustrated sigh, before resuming your trek down the hall, readying yourself for the day's tasks.


Scoffing you shook your head, not bothering to slow in pace.

A firm hand gently wrapped around your wrist preventing you from moving any further. Twirling you around, you were chest to chest with Anakin once again.

"C-Can I see you after work?" He questioned tilting his head slightly, as a rosy tint made its way upon his cheeks.

Gazing intently at his features, you had quickly fallen under his lovestruck spell. Nearly giving in to his request, Padme rounded the corner quickly joining you and Anakin.

"Ani, is everything all right?" She questioned with false concern.

Returning to reality, you took a step back attempting to put as much space as you could between you and Anakin.

Padme, sent a glare your way, before quickly softening her features to gaze at Anakin angelically. All the while, his eyes not bothering to look anywhere but your face, attempting to gauge your thoughts and feelings.

"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, yeah, everything's-"

"Y/N!" Your boss's booming voice sounded from behind you. "There you are! You're late!"

Turning on your heel, you hadn't bothered saying anything to either of them.


Anakin attempted to follow you however, Padme had other thoughts. Her hand quickly found home on his firm chest gently pushing him back allowing her to step in front of him obstructing his attempted movements to get to you.

"No, Ani." Padme's sweet voice sounded. "Let her go, we have things to do."

Frowning, you felt tears forming in your eyes. Shaking your head slightly, you attempted to push them back. As you were about to enter your place of work, you heard Padme speak one last jab at you, making sure you heard it.

"You know how right I am for you." She spoke almost as if she was trying to place him under a spell. "There's no need for a peasant when you could have a senator."

Your heart dropped into your stomach, as tears quickly reformed in your eyes threatening to fall.

Sighing, you tossed and turned as you couldn't find a comfortable position in bed. Throwing the blankets off, you let out a frustrated huff as you made your way towards your door. If you couldn't sleep, you were at least going to attempt to tire yourself out.

Opening the door, you glided into a firm chest that felt much like walking into a wall. Letting out a surprised yelp, you felt yourself sway slightly. Their hands jolting out steadying you.

Glancing up, you were greeted with Anakin's glistening eyes.

"Are you alright?" He questioned his features etched with concern.

Nodding you hummed in response.

"Can we talk?" He offered a weak smile.

"I...I don't think Padme would like that." You frowned, attempting to take a step back.

His grasp tightening but not hurtful. Anakin kept you in place not allowing you to move away from him.

"Please." His voice sounding desperate as he pleaded with you.

Letting out a defeated sigh, you nodded before leading him into your quarters.

"What is it you-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Anakin's warm hands cradled your face angling it upward allowing him to gently nudge your nose with his.

"Can I-"

Butterflies erupted in your stomach as the Jedi was pressing his chest firm against yours. "Yes." You breathed, closing your eyes.

The feeling of soft lips upon yours overwhelmed you. It was a gentle chaste kiss. Simply stating his feelings for you.

Pulling back, Anakin rested his forehead against yours.

"Wait." You breathed, squeezing your eyelids. "What about Padme-"

"Padme has feelings for me, yes." He sighed, as his hands anchored themselves along your waist.

"But you," He started with a grin. "You have me until every last star in the galaxy dies, you have me."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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