°the beast and the prince°

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|Full Name|
"Prince Shula of Valture. Pleasure~"

"I am Beast."


"Call me Shula. Please."

"Shula calls me Beastie."



"I Don't remember..."

"Male. Unless you need to check~"


"Human. I believe"



|Other form|"Well

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|Other form|
"Well. To put simply, I am 7 feet tall with the body of a dragon but I have the feathers of a phoenix. My wings resemble a phoenix as well. I am red in coloring and can light my entire body ablazed. I can't control this form....Beast does."

"Beast can take control of human form too...Shula doesn't like it. So Beast doesnt do it."
{He has a human form too}

"{He has a human form too}

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((But with Red Hair.))

"I am from Valture."

"I don't remember."

"Raa. The capital of Valture."

"I don't remember."

"I am somewhat of a...flirt. I joke and part but I take my reputation serious. I like talking to people and mingling but will not push people to talk back. I enjoy relaxing when I can but I am always on edge. Do not cross me. I am not mercifully in anyway and will achieve what I want."

"I am not sure how to describe myself really. "

"6'3 love~"


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