part 3(meeting quack titty)

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AN: can someone please leave a comment, I'm curious as to who's reading this other than my besties who I force to read this:) that'd be nice, uhhh idk when this will come out but I'm hoping for a longer chapter:) anyway, hope you enjoy and please leave feedback even if its mean. also the air bnb is just going to be the cohens house from the oc so like fancy ass house just in Florida. ok bye!

after wilbur and his friend are done catching up and wil introduces me, we are told we have to wait a few minutes for someone else coming in.(uhh that sentence was worded so boring and shit anyway I didn't know how to start it)

after a few minutes of them talking and me awkwardly sitting there asking dylan if she's dtf, clay stands up and waves at someone. I don't see who it is until he gets a little closer. it's a short black haired boy in a beanie. pretty cute looking but I'm not going to have a fucking crush on one of my brothers friends. (I'm already hating this chapter because I'm on a long car ride so yeah)

"hey man, want some drogus" says the beanie kid. I start laughing in my head as clay and wilbur hug him. niki I sitting next to me, knowing about my stress with meeting new people.

wilbur clears his throat. "so, uhh quackity, this is yn" li look up to see the boy awkwardly staring at me because I'm hot.

"ahh so your quack titty" I say. he bursts out laughing.

~guys fun fact this is awkward so skip to when their in the car on their way to the air bnb:) also sorry if the spacing is weird and different in this chapter, I'm on my phone~

niki is in the passengers seat because wil wanted her to get some sleep. this leaves me on the back in between a sleeping will and a bored titty.

clay stops at a Wawa(lmfao do they have these in Florida?) and tells us to not move an inch, he'll be back in 15 minutes. (side note I just thought of a genius idea, an app that helps you find the closest dealer, ok that's all bye) of course we don't follow this rule, I climb out of the car making my way into the target next door. I make sure to make my trip quick, getting monsters and a few ugly ass scary but mad cute stuffed animals and making my way back to the car before clay notices any of us left. wil who had been in the gas station next door hands me some jolly ranchers and sweet tarts because I have a mad good taste in candy.

tw: blood

clay comes back to the car and we start the drive again, only about 30 minutes left. I start to watch uncle buck on my phone(have I already mentioned this movie in the book? let's go with no)  when I start to dig my finger nails into my thighs(lmfao not in like a uhh...that way, just like I do this when I'm nervy idk) I don't realize I'm bleeding.

tw over:)

"holy shit, are you ok" asks titty. I look down at my leg and quickly wipe the blood away. but sadly he had already fought wils attention.

"yn, why are you stressed?" asks will in a calm tone.

"I'm fine" I say not wanting to bring attention to the fact that my leg is dripping blood in the back of someone's car who I have only met an hour ago.

"yn, what are you thinking about" asks wil. damn, if he's a mind reader I'm in trouble.

"you'll be mad" I say.

"yn, come on, I asked you something" how the hell do I tell my brother that I'm stressed because his friend is hot. easy, I don't.

"uhh...weed." I say, covering it up best i can. (guys I'm literally the funniest person ever)

I hear titty laugh.

"yn I told you, a few days without weed might be nice. a step in the right detection." (bahahaha i hate that so much) 

~ok I'm on my computer now so hopefully this will be better now but its still an awkward chapter to write, anyways ts being at the air bnb~

"ok so we will be picking everyone else up from the airport tomorrow around 1 so go unpack and shit" says clay.

(I forgot to say whose coming, so basically lets just say mcyts for now and then who ever they pick up at the airport and I might accidentally include some things with people who I didn't list as us picking up at the airport so lets just say they got an uber lmfao)also room shit: yn+quack titty in the pool house(its like a bedroom with 2 twin beds and shit idk) wilbur and  niki in a room(not shipping them, its got 2 beds, their just friends #shipthemasfriends) tommy+tubbo in a room in the house, george+dream, master bedroom😏. that's all that I can think of right now, holy shit what a long authors note.

titty and I make our way to the pool house (look up cohens pool house from the oc, like that but with 2 twin bets instead of 1 king) and unpack without saying a word. there is some odd tension between us. after I'm done unpacking its about 11 and I find some cereal in the carnet. quackity is still unpacking and getting settled in, he still hasn't said a word to me, not in the car or anything. 

"do you not like me or something"  I ask regretting it immediately as it seems to just make things more awkward.

"uhh, what?" he says awkwardly with a laugh.

"you haven't said a word to me."

"I just don't want you to fall in love with me" he says laughing. (I died writing this #ripriver)

tw: anxiety attack

"w- uhh what?" I reply, beginning my anxiety attack. my hands shake at my sides, I then reach for my thigh, digging my nails into it.

"I saw your texts with Dylan" he says laughing.

~flashback to in the car texting with Dylan~

yn- hoe my brothers friend is a hottie.

segc big d- hotter than me:(

yn- no I'm not even joking, he's so pretty

segc big d- mkay, what's he look like, maybe ill steal him from you

yn- dylan, please I actually need help, where's my juul, so not cool. 

segc big d- what do you want help with?

yn- just uhhh...idk ill text you if I need you, ok, bye ily, lets have s3x later, ok bye baby gurl

segc big d- ok, bye ily baby.

AN: I started to like do the writing a bit different, just boldening the parts where I'm talking so you could tell when, yeah whatever. Also do you all not have emergency shower phones. Ok anyway kinda left you on a cliff hanger, also tell me if theres any more tws and ill add them:) uhh theres def something else I was supposed to say in this an. oh! they met up. so yeah that happened, and btw her friends have weird names in her phone so yeah:)

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