The heist

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This has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever decided to do. Looking at me, you would never guess that I pulled something like this off all by myself. Im 5'5 with honey brown skin and honey brown eyes to match, my black curls fall softly right above my collarbone and I am seemingly petite for a girl my age. I'm really 17 but I look like I'm 15 which is something I get pretty often. I suppose that's why the teller was so surprised to see my small frame wielding a gun in her face yelling through my mask to put everything in the bag. I'm not gonna lie that is a phrase i think every kid has wanted to say at least once.I look in the rearview mirror, first seeing the blue and red lights flashing behind me at a fiery pace and second seeing my honey brown eyes glistening with adrenaline as I take a sharp left my curls flying with the sharp turn of the car. I chuckle under my breath as I see the cop keep driving forward.As I continue to turn on random streets to lose the cop even more, I look again at the rearview this time grinning widely when I see the piles of money in my backseat just waiting for me to count.

Knowing very well the cop will be back soon in search of my sky blue car I pull into an alley where my decoy car is already placed waiting for me. You see this is all so perfectly planned out. I rob a small bank a couple towns over and then instead of going home like a stupid person would im leaving the state completeley. To me it is not such a big deal because I have no family. My parents are dead, I have no trace of relatives and I was also an only child. I do have foster parents but they don't give a shit about me. My foster mom Judy sits on her fat ass all day smoking cigarettes and watches her husband Joe beat me senseless and sometimes she even smacks me around if she feels like im giving her an attitude. Being smacked around I can handle, because she doesn't have the force that my foster dad Joe has when he beats me, the one thing I can't handle is when he sneaks into my room at night. It started happening a couple months ago. It was almost like the rounder Judy got the longer Joe's eyes seemed to linger on my petite frame. I remember the first time it happened I woke up startled as I felt a hand grazing against my face, I looked up with shocked and sleepy eyes to see joes yellow crooked teeth shining in the moonlight smiling down at me as he whispered all the things he has been yearning to do to me. I'll spare you the details because it's words that even make my stomach turn. As of right now I am 17 years old, I'm going to be 18 in a couple weeks which is probably my biggest fear at the moment and my biggest motivation to run away. I remember one night Joe got drunk and came into my room and told me how once I turned 18 he was planning to take me to Vegas and marry me so we can make our own family. He said how he was getting tired of Judy and how he know longer wanted her, he wanted me.

As the days went by he came into my room at night more often laying next to me trying to cuddle as I squirmed in his grasp. Sometimes if I made too much of a fuss he promised me that if I didn't stop moving he would choke the life out of me while I slept, since then I laid still just praying he would leave soon. About 2 weeks ago he snuck into my room once again but this time he didn't leave after laying with me he stayed through the night and needless to say he raped me that night, I have nightmares of him whispering in my ear about how only a little while longer until he could have me all to himself but he couldn't wait any longer to make love to me,that was the night that changed me, I became heartless and cold towards the world. I had to get out. I knew it and at that point it was by any means necessary. Hence the bank robbery, from the way I see it it can go two ways I could get away with it and live a great life with my money until it runs out or I could get caught and go to jail. The one thing I did know was neither options required me to go back into my foster parents care. The only person I have now is not even a person but a dog, my only friend Benjy. Speaking of benjy I tied him to the fence with water and snacks while I was gone so as I turned towards the other side of the vehicle I saw benjy's ears perked up as he saw me approaching him.

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