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Malik Clark
21 years old

April 2021

Part 3


"U never go be shit"mama said

"Stop talking to my brudda like that come on lik"my brother said

"U boys are the devil child I should've never had y'all"she said to us

"So we don't gaf get out our face bitch"he said to her grabbing my hand leaving away from her

"Honey calm down"he said rubbing her stomach

"U just go let her treat us like that"kevon said to our dad

"He only 7 years old and I'm 13 we don't need to hear that shit"kevon said

"Ion gaf stop acting out in school dumbass"they said

"If we had nice shit we wouldn't have to fight because ppl talking shit that we look dirty"he yelled at them and our dad slapped him

"Stop being disrespectful boy go to y'all room"he yelled at us

"Don't hit my brudda"I said

"Now u wanna talk"our mama said to us

"We leaving so don't open the door for nb"she said getting up but she needed helped to get up and they slammed the door leaving us alone

"U okay brudda"I asked him

"Yea Malik fuck them"he said and I followed him to our room

"What's that ke "i asked him pointing at it

"Something to protect us from everybody but u not old enough to have one"he said

"Imma be back lik"he said

"Where u going"I asked

"To go make some money for us"he said as he tucked the thing to protect us in his pants

"What if mom and dad come back"I asked

"Say I'm outside with jalil and dj"he said

"Love u lil bro"he said leaving out the room and I laid on the bed we had to share.

But we didn't kno that was last time we seen them.

I woke up from my sleep because I couldn't sleep after that nightmare I had.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get washed up.


"Somebody crew taking over our blocks"he said  to me

"A new one"I asked

"Yea we haven't seen this dumb  ass niggas before they must be new bc nb should be on our corners"the other dude

"U"I said pointing to the dude that was quite

"Find out what u can about these new niggas"I said and he nodded his head leaving out

"And the rest of y'all if u see them kill they ass ain't nb finna be fucking up our money"I said loud and they left the trap and I left closing the door and locking it.

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