Who was it that said poems need to rhyme or that girls look better in makeup. While said guys need shiny fast cars. Was it the same person who said loneliness was poetic or that pain purges sin. Well they're liars the lot of them. Poetry follows the same laws as pirates, makeup is only a cute addition to an already perfect piece, and no car will ever be fast enough to outrun the consequences of the things you failed to do. Abs are only aesthetic and fleeting, loneliness just numbs emotion, and all that pain will never lead to purity, only scars and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Sure, makeup is cute, cars are convenient, abs are sexy. A good rhyme scheme is pleasant but it's all superficial. Let me tell you what actually matters in life.
Cookies, happiness, company, safety, pie, love, roadtrips, a sense of purpose, kindness, unity, humanity, justice. The list could go on forever and I could explain it til I'm blue in the face but if you dont agree now then the shade of my cheeks wont convince you.
But think of this; what coffin maker will bury your car? Where are the abs on a skeleton? Will you still feel purged when your bones return to dust? And when your corpse is all dressed up in designer and makeup will your hairdresser stay to fill the void caused at your funeral by your lack of friends, or with the seats be filled with hollow eyed mannequins in name brand clothes?
tears on a page
Poetrya collection of some of my more depressing pieces written many moons ago. so.... enjoy