Inherited Memories

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"Tsuki-nii-tan! Can we go for a ride?" (Get ur head out of the gutter!)

The (h/c) haired teen turned around with a soft smile. "Sure we can, Kaede-chan." He nodded.

He bent his front legs and kneeled down. Then the hyper girl climbed onto his back, getting comfortable on his horse blanket. He crafted it himself saying that 'He felt naked without something covering his horseness too.'

"Hold on." He laughed.

Kaede giggled and clutched onto the back of his sleeveless suikan. He galloped through the village. Kikyo smiled from afar, happy that her usually cold little sister was able to find someone to warm up to. Half-demon or not.

Kaedes giggles echoed throughout the forest. Waking up a napping Inuyasha who growled at the sudden disturbance in silence. "I'm gonna kill that damn mule one of these days."

Tsukinoko chuckled along with the girl. Easing to a stop once he got to their favourite clearing.

It was a clearing covered in luscious grass, pastel wildflowers, and various berry bushes. A crystal clear stream ran through the middle of the clearing. Cattail reeds blew in the warm breeze

The little girl, though having not done much, was tired and clumsily slid off the Unicentaurs back and stumbled.

"Easy there kiddo you're gonna hurt yourself." Tsukinoko lightly scolded the child.

He dropped his midnight blue body beside hers and she nuzzled against it. The lavender/green eyed boy chuckled and ran his fingers through her soft raven hair.

The boy started humming a small lullaby.

And so lulled by the warm breeze and the body heat of the Unicentaur beside her, the six year old was greeted into the land dreams. The (h/c) haired boy layed his upper half on the earthen ground, the strands of grass entangling with his own (h/c)/gray hair, following Kaede into the land of dreams soon after.

(321 words)

•.¸♡ A Uɳιƈҽɳƚαυɾʂ Lιϝҽ ♡¸.• (Various! Inuyasha x M!Reader) [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now