Chapter 19

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(Y/N) didn't know what was going on with August and Hans, but she wasn't sure she liked it. For the entire day they'd been on her, never letting her out of their sight, bringing her tea, and asking her where she was planning on going every time she tried to stand from her chair. At one point she'd gotten up to grab a blanket and August had simply pushed her back into her chair while Hans had proceeded to get the blanket for her and start a fire. (Y/N) had only been able to stare at them. She'd tried to send Levi a confused glance, but he'd simply watched silently, meeting her eyes for just a second and then returning to his work.
So, (Y/N) had spent the entire day in her office. It hadn't been an easy day by any means. As hard as she'd tried to hold it together, her pain had slipped through the cracks. It was always at the most random times. Staring at a piece of Erwin's paperwork, taking a sip of tea, watching Natalie shift in her seat. It would just hit her. A flash of Petra's giggling expression, a memory of Eld sipping tea with her by the fire, a clear image of Oluo biting his tongue mid-sentence, a vision of Gunther sitting in Levi's office and explaining the formation plan to Eren. And, just like that, (Y/N) would break. A tear would slide down her cheek, followed by a small cry, and then everyone in the room would suddenly be panicking. Levi came running over every time, yelling at everyone to get out before he took her in his arms and held her until her tears dried. She didn't know how he'd done it without crying himself. But he had. He'd been there for her all day, acting strong even though (Y/N) knew he was hurting just as much. And, even though it had hurt, she'd gotten through each and every breakdown with Levi's help. Some took longer to recover from than others, but she always got through it. They got through it together. And then, when her tears had dried and she was no longer shaking, (Y/N) would go back to her desk, sit down, and start on her paperwork as Levi let everyone back in. He would always linger for a few minutes before returning to his own office, sending August and Hans a few loaded looks that they somehow seemed to understand. But, when he saw that she was alright for the time being, Levi would go back to his own work and leave her in the hands of her squad.

And her squad had taken good care of her. August and Hans had gotten her both lunch and dinner from the Mess Hall and brought her trays piled high with more food than she could possibly eat in one sitting. Natalie and Elise had stayed with her, too, though they seemed almost as confused by August and Hans' hovering as she was. Still, though, they'd made conversation with her and managed to distract her from dark thoughts several times. Levi had just watched closely, eyeing her all day from across the hall. August and Hans had brought him his meals, too, and he'd joined (Y/N) in her office while they'd eaten. He'd been just as concerned as the boys, repeatedly asking about her ribs and even going so far as to sit directly next to her behind her desk so that he could put his hand on her thigh or wrap his arm around her waist. And while (Y/N) appreciated the comforting touches, the forlorn look in his eyes reminded her that he was in just as much pain as she was.

But, she'd never gotten the chance to comfort him because dinner came and went... and it was time to find Erwin again.

He'd said he'd have the kinks worked out by the time night came around and that they should get Eren and meet him in one of the side rooms not too far from his office. So... that was what they would do.

"I'll take that for you, Captain."

(Y/N)'s thoughts returned to the present as Hans quickly took away her half-empty tray that she hadn't even come close to finishing. All she could do was stare at him as he started to walk out the door to return the tray to the Mess Hall, but Levi stopped him before he could get too far.

"Oi, if you're taking hers take mine, too. We have places to be, so when you're done with that you can all go back to your rooms or do whatever the hell you want. We'll see you in the morning."

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