Chapter 7

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Next Day:

BUZZZ BUZZZ. Ughh that was the sign that I had to get up. I don’t understand why schools must start so early, we don’t pay attention this early in the morning anyways. Never the less I had to do it. I lug my self out of bed and make my way to the bathroom to start the process that is getting ready. Like most teenage girls I take one look in the mirror and want to scream. I look like Ursula mixed with a troll, not a good combo. I start with my rat’s nest of hair and try to tame it. Which that in its self takes about 20 minuets. Then I started on my face which that process consisted of cream and moisturizer, then light makeup. Which took about 15 minuets. Then for my outfit which is usually the easies part since my school has uniforms but every month we have a free dress day and that day was today. I pulled on black tights and I light brown skirt with navy blue shirt and a baggy dark green sweater with boots. It was the perfect fall outfit. I check myself in the mirror one more time. I grab my bag and head out. Just as I’m about to walk out the door my dad stops me “Arls remember I only don’t want you to see him because I know he is trouble and I want you to be safe. I just love you so much. So please just understand and obey.” Wow that sounded extremely controlling but just because I don’t want to get in a fight with him right now I comply “Yeah sure dad I get it. Love you to.” I say and walk out the door. I live pretty close to school so I just walk there every morning. Its kina nice actually, it gets my heart pumping. When I get to school I immediately feel like everyone’s eyes are on me. What the hell? Was my outfit weird? Did I smear my makeup? Did I say something? Did someone find one of my baby pictures? About 1000 scenarios were buzzing through my mind. I just try to ignore all the weird stares and glares. What is going on I have literally almost gone my entire high school life without being noticed. Where the hell did this come from? Whatever I’ll try to ignore them. Yeah that’s what ill do. I try ignoring them and make it to my locker and open it. Then I see Skylar and Harmony walking down the hall it almost looked like they were coming towards me. I turn back into my locker and grab my book and put it in my bag. When I reach for my next book the locker door slams shut causing me to jump back. Oh so they were coming towards me. I really didn’t want to deal with their BS today. “What do you guys want?”  I sign not really wanting to hear. “We know what your trying to do. You think you can pull a fast one on us well guess again.” Umm… what?! “Umm… I honestly have no idea what your talking about.” “Don’t play dumb with us. We know all about your little scheme to popularity. You think you can get me out of the way so you can have Harry and be the popular girl. But there’s something you should know Harry would never go for a ugly retard like you. He’s above that; he would never stoop so low. So don’t mess with because I play to win and I don’t play nicely.” They both gave me one last twisted evil grin and walked off down the hall. Does he really think of me like that? He is who I thought he was, self-absorbed douche bag. How could I have ever thought other wise? I suddenly felt a warm droplet falling from my eyes. God I am such a twat for even believing that he was different even for a second. I barely got to know him and I thought I knew him so well. God I am a retard. I started to feel the droplets become powerful. I sprinted to the bathroom because if I didn’t I might have broke down in the middle of the crowded hall which would have caused a scene. Which I really didn’t want. Wait is that why people were looking at me weird? They thought I liked Harry. Why would I he is a jerk. But he was so nice to my parents. This made me cry harder. How could I be so naïve? Why am I even crying I didn’t even like him. I start to cry so hard it makes a whimper escape my mouth. WHO AM I KIDDING I DO LIKE HIM!!! OKAY EVERYONE I LIKE HARRY STYLES! Well at least I did. Now I’m not so sure if she was telling me the truth and he really does think I’m an ugly retard than I won’t waste my time. But back at Jack Wills yesterday in the dressing rooms didn’t he say he liked my dress. He invited me to his party, yet he apparently thinks I’m an ugly and retarded. I am so confused. I cry even harder. “Arley?” What the? Who said that? I’m in the stall so how could they see me? I sniffle so I can talk properly again. “Umm… yeah.” I open the door and peak out and it was just Sydney. She has been that friend that you can always talk to and have a laugh with but we are in different groups at school so we don’t talk a lot anymore. “Oh hey Syd.” I say getting relived it was her and not someone else. “Were you crying? Is it about the whole Harry thing?” I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What was she talking about ‘the Harry thing.’ “What Harry thing?” I asked confused. “Its just a rumor that has been going around that Harry dumped Harmony for you.” My mouth dropped Harry DUMPED Harmony? Why? “Wait Harry dumped Harmony? Haven’t they been going out for like ever? And why would people think that he dumped her for me?” “This is just what I have heard personally I noticed some hidden chemistry between you two.” She said and gave me a nudge. “How could you see chemistry if we don’t even hang out together?” “Just the way he looks at you, it’s with a lot more care than with Harmony. People notice these slight details.” What does she mean by the way he looks at me? Ughh. I need some answers. RING RING!!! “Opps I think we just accidently cut our first class.” “Its no biggy. No one is going to even notice.” Yeah she was right. “Bye Syd.” I wave and walk out of the bathroom and head to my second class, which my luck was gym.

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