Chapter 13: Hangovers and mental civil wars

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The sunlight trickles through the curtains, which have by now been pulled back. From your position on the floor, you can't see any clouds, you expect it will be another hot day. You won't lie and say you aren't looking forward to the sunlight and its constant stream onto your skin; it's a rare occurrence, one you welcome with open arms and a bottle of sun cream. The sun's positioning in the sky leads you to believe it's late.

That means you're late.

You bolt up, peering around the room, you're met with both beds made and empty. Shit. Quickly glancing down at your attire, you find you are wearing a clean set of pyjamas, due to last nights... issues. You had woken up from the dream and promptly changed, as the other pair were wet, with sweat and- you shake your head, there's no need to relive it.

Oh fuck. Just now remembering the dream/nightmare. Humiliated. That's how you felt. Absolutely fucking humiliated. Your head falling into your hands, cheeks flushing crimson as your mind's eye is plagued with images of compromising positions. After a minute of self-pitying, you decide you should probably meet the day.

Tucking your notebook- which now had drool and messily scrawled gibberish embellishing its pages- back into your bag, you make your way downstairs. Having no idea who was downstairs, and what you were about to be met with.

Luckily for you, upon entering you are met with Hermione and Harry. Easy enough to deal with.

Hermione gives you a smile, passing you a cup of cold tea, one which she promptly heats up with her wand. Harry is dressed in a blue t-shirt and jeans, also smiling at you. Cradling an empty mug in his hands, he speaks up first,

"Bit late isn't it y/n?" a slight smirk gracing his face. Before you can get control of yourself you blush. Quickly recovering and rolling your eyes,

"Well, I would have gotten up earlier but none of my darling friends decided to wake me." You reply, throwing a pointed look at Hermione. She gives you a sympathetic smile over the top of her mug,

"I'm sorry y/n, Ginny and I thought it would be best if you slept in, because of yesterday- you probably have a hangover, right?" now her gaze was studying you, searching for the suspiciously absent hangover symptoms. The dream/nightmare (whatever the fuck it was) must have shocked your system into being sober. It was no doubt very sobering.

Looking her in the eyes, you are thankful you're a brilliant liar, "well 'Mione, I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and performed the spell then," you smile. Believing you she just says that's good, glad you're not in any unnecessary pain. Turning to Harry you engage in a quick conversation with him, asking him how he slept and what he plans on doing today.

"I think we'll probably just chill, I don't think anyone made any serious plans."

After that, you all fall into a comfortable silence. It reminds you of Hogwarts, breaks spent on a grassy plain reading separate books, filling parchments with essays. Basking in silence and relishing in each other's companies. This idyllic, serene atmosphere was interrupted, by a very tired looking, very moany Ronald Weasley, stomping down the stairs, slumping into a seat, his head hanging and being caught by his hands. His hangover not yet been driven away.

Moaning unintelligible sentences, being his usual dramatic self. Hermione scolding him and performing the spell for him. They're like an old married couple honestly. Harry and you sharing a little smile at their behaviours. Ron's looking at Hermione like she just performed heart surgery, and there was a pretty pink blush fanning Hermione's cheeks. Oh, to be young and in love.

Looking around, as you noticed a few red-headed members were missing, you see a figure lounging on the sofa. Long legs slipping off the end of the armrest, his face being swathed by a muscular arm. Slipping quietly over to the sofa, only to then realise who it was. You really should've known from the odd socks encompassing the stupidly large feet.

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