Part 3 (cummy dino dick (final))

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Haikey jumped up and down on his thick dino cock (fun fact trisha paytas loves dino cocks (dm her if ur a dinosaur pls shes desperate her husband is literally moses)). Haikey screamed in pleasure. Hailey played angry birds on his phone while Haikey rode his dinosaur shlong. Hailey coomed deep in his ass, Haikey got off his thick dino dick and slurped up his rainbow cum. Haikey stopped, he leaned down and bit his balls.

Hailey: "H-Harder step baka-"

Haikey bit down harder on his balls, his balls riped off. Hailey moaned.

Hailey: "Y-You're so good step baka waka.."

Haikey swallowed his balls.

Haikey: "Thanks s-senpai uwu"

Haikey kept licking the tip of his dino shlong. There were footsteps cumming from down the hall. Kenni came into the room. He stared at Haikey and Hailey.


Haikey: "B-But i love Hailey sans big juicy dinosaur cock uwu"

Kenni: "i am so done with this family goodbye."

Kenni left the room, Hailey pulled his pants back up, Haikey got up off his bed. Haikey ran over to the door, he held onto the doorknob

Haikey: "I-I'll see you at dinner baka Hailey san uwu"

Hailey: "But you just had your dinner step baka"

Haikey: "But you haven't."

Haikey grinned, he ran out and slammed the door. Hailey shrugged, he pulled his pants down and jerked off to angry birds.

I hope u enjoyed u little cum sluts. Have a good day and remember to love boobies. -Kenni
(also if there are any mistakes ((other than my children)) then pls dm me them) 

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