Polnareff x Fem! Reader: Nightmare Comfort

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This is a request from polnareffsimp ! first time ever doing one so I hope I did it well <3

~The nightmare itself might be considered graphic? With descriptions of death and gore(ish) stuff! ~

The crusaders finally made it to Egypt and it was fair to say that gravity of the situation was present among the group. That there's going to be more stand users as you get closer, more dangerous than the last, never giving you a break. In a short amount of time, you're going to have to face Dio and save Ms Holy.

You weren't one to crumble under pressure, but with stakes this high it'd be reasonable for anyone to have that anxiety and the "what if" scenerios run through your head. Thoughts like "What if we don't save Holy?" and "What if Dio wins?" Were starting to mark their territory in your head for the past few days and it really was starting to take a toll on you, especially during nighttime with reoccurring nightmares. They typically aren't all bad, just the normal 'I die a long and painful death in battle' kind of thing, but they still kept you up at the end of the day. They left you with dark circles that started to form as the days went by and the way you presented yourself increasingly became unkept. The crusaders weren't too focused on your slow transformation to become a still alive zombie since you don't typically fight, your stand was there for support and healing, so they just believed that having to heal everyone to the best of your abilities for what felt like every day sucked out all of your energy.

After another day of traveling to Cairo, slower than what the group would have liked, Joseph found a cheap motel to spend the night.

You stood outside with Polnareff, who you thought of fondly and if it weren't due to the dreadful circumstances, someone you would want to pursue a relationship with. How could you not? He's tall, handsome, and makes you laugh (unintentionally or not), that's like the ideal man that most women would want! Currently he was smoking, waiting for Joseph to hurry up with the rooms so he can have a "well deserved" rest. It was kind of nice at the moment, he didn't have to worry about stand users and Iggy ripping out his hair. It was quiet and he thought of you as great company.

He looked over at you, about to offer you a drag of his cigarette before he actually took in your appearance: dark circles around your eyes, your hair in your face instead of your normal pushed back hairstyle, you looked miserable. "Hey Y/N, was there a stand attack we didn't know about? You don't look so good. Are you okay?" You looked up at him and thought for a bit. Brushing it off seemed like the best option, if someone like him is plagued with minor problems like yours, he might not focus in a fight and if he gets hurt, that's just going to drain you more. "No don't worry, it wasn't a stand. It's just that sleeping in the desert isn't as comfortable as you may think." In response, Polnareff just gave you a charming smile and a wink that made your face heat up a bit "Well if you need help sleeping, I'm right here mon amour~"

Soon enough, Joseph's voice could be heard, telling you two to go back inside to discuss who's room is who's for the night. "Alright, due to increasing stand attacks I've decided that it's best if each of us pair together if anything happens. Jotaro and Iggy will share a room, Polnareff and Y/N are going to share a room, which leaves me and Avdol. Be on the lookout just in case." And with that, the old man handed each pair their respective room keys and walked off to turn in for the night.

As you both entered the room, you wasted no time in getting ready for bed while Polnareff got ready in the bathroom. It wasn't the first time rooming with Polnareff because of his habit of being the one to attract enemies the most out of the entire group, but it still was something to get used to everytime you saw him with his hair down. "Well, I'm going to sleep. These beds seem more comfortable than the rocks the last hotel had to offer. Goodnight mon amour, opefully you get to sleep better than the last couple of days." You were already snuggled up in your own bed, eyelids starting to feel heavy  "Goodnight, Pol."

'You found yourself in a dark room, with only the occasional torch to guide your way around this labyrinth of a mansion. You grabbed a torch and made sure to be on guard for any stand users lurking in the shadows. As you walked along the cold hallways of Dio's mansion, a certain door seemed to call out to you. The way that it was creaked open a bit felt like it was teasing you on purpose, begging you to open to see what lays inside. You creeped closer to the door, your gut twisting and telling you to turn back, that this was a horrible idea, and it was. When you opened the door any possibilites of what it could've been didn't prepare you for what you saw. Iggy and Avdol covered in blood, bodies beat up and they could've been unrecognizable if you didn't notice Avdol's clothes and Iggy's small body next to him. Joseph was brutally stabbed and close to him was Jotaro who seemed to be beat so much that it was obvious whoever delt the damage was taking his anger out on the poor teenager. The most disturbing part of it all was that his throat was slit, nearly decapitated just as his great grandfather was before Dio took his body. You didn't even have enough time to comprehend the situation and grieve your colleagues before you heard a deep and sinister laugh. It was Dio, covered in blood and holding Polnareff up by the throat. The Frenchman wasn't in good shape either, covered in blood and close to tears with the knowledge that they lost. It wasn't even one of those moments where you could find a way to win last minute, he knew that there was nothing he could do to bounce back from his position. It wasn't until Polnareff made direct eye contact with you that Dio aimed for the jugular, biting down hard to drink his blood and effectively kill him. You couldn't handle it. The situation was too much, you couldn't control the scream you let out and the tears take over.' You shot up instantly, almost slamming your head against the man you just saw die in your dream. Polnareff couldn't tell you anything before you started to break down crying.

"Y/N, Y/N! My dear are you alright!? What happened? I woke up to you screaming and I thought it was another person out to get us." Polnareff was quick to be by your side, helping you take deep breaths to calm down while Silver Chariot guarded the room, on the lookout for any potential stand users that could've hurt you. It took a couple of minutes to fully calm you down and with one final deep breath in you spoke to Pol, "I-it was just a nightmare, I-i've been getting them a lot lately, but this time it was different...instead of me dying by the hands of Dio, it was all of you and I didn't do anything about it. I f-felt so useless.." Silver Chariot disappeared once it was confirmed that there was no enemy and Polnareff got in the bed next to you to hold you close. "Hey, hey don't worry. We're all still alive and okay..please don't worry too much, we'll kill Dio and we'll all live in the end. You're going to be okay, I'm going to be okay. I can assure you without your help, most of us would be too injured to be ready when the fight with Dio comes. Don't you ever say you're useless." You wrapped your arms around Polnareff, not wanting to leave his side. If it was any other situation, being buried in his chest might've made your face heat up, but it was just nice and comforting.

"Hey Pol, is that offer to sleep with you still stand?" Said man looked down at you, pink on his cheeks "Well, as much as I'd love to ma cherie, I don't think that this is the right time since you were just cryi-" you cut him off with a firm hit to his chest. "Not like that, dumbass! I just want you to stay here with me, holding onto you is nice." Well now Polnareff's face is red both from embarrassment from the misunderstanding and flattery that you want to cuddle him for the rest of the night. "Well, who am I to deny a lovely lady what she wants. I'll stay with you as long as you want." You smiled up at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you Pol, I really appreciate it."  "Anything for you, ma cherie," Polnareff ended the night with a goodnight kiss on to the forehead.

You woke up in the morning with no nightmares and some distant chatter. It wasn't until a camera noise went off that you decided to try to free yourself from the tight grasp Polnareff had you in to scope out what was happening. There in your room was Joseph with a camera in his hand going on about how the pictures he's taken is going to be used for "blackmail purposes" while Avdol and even Jotaro had amused smiles on their faces. You looked up at Polnareff to see him still asleep, hair in his mouth while he drools on the pillow next to you. It was one of the best moments on this trip so far, you just hope that it gets to stay like this when you get to the end of your journey.

Tbh, I really like this! I'm not fully used to writing oneshots, but I hope you enjoyed it!

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