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"Sasa, are you all set?" My aunt told me as I walked slow to follow her. She exudes beauty, luxury, and class. One look and you'll know that she's an heiress. Glowing skin, perfect long locks, manicured nails, and red lips. I look older than her, wearing my beaten up Dr. Martins, flower skirt that doesn't make sense it goes down to the middle of my legs, oversized plain white shirt. Not to mention my long hair that end down my bum and my bangs thst covers my eyes. I look like the typical stereotype nerd, those without a sense of fashion and mostly prude. I figured that being like this people wont expect much, they don't need to see me and measure what I look like wether I'm a 5 or maybe a 7. Because now, I'm a flat 0.
My aunt runs a house uptown, it's an old ancestral mansion or like villa that was modernized. Near the market and a well known university, not Ivy League-ish but somewhat high quality and up there. She loves straightening up brats and problematic teens. Maybe that is why she likes having me around. She's been close to these four guys who she took care before and left there to live 'til they graduate. Apparently I need a change of environment and a breath of fresh air according to her. I kinda disagree tho...What I need is to be locked up in my room with my books and great movies, preferably gore, horror, and thriller. They said I looked very scary, intimidating, and almost like ghostly. I don't believe them, but I really did not see how I look for long now so how would I know?

Also to add to my weirdness I have a medical condition which I inherited in my great grandmother, where it made my eye color purple and my skin pale it's called Alexandria Genesis. I watch my aunt as she pace back and forth ordering the people to get my stuff and make sure everything is packed. "Aunt, calm down everything is fine." She looked at me and smiled. "Soon, yes as long as they pick up the pace." I smiled back.

I appreciate her efforts on me, I just don't think she need to go through this length for me. I was ordinary before, now I am a freak. Her, she's always been extraordinary.


We arrived in the house I'll be calling home for some time, and as soon as my aunt went down the bodyguards took all my stuff in my room. It's a lot because my aunt packed most of it. I only brought one suitcase where I packed my life in. I did not come down yet, but I saw five people standing on the front yard. They are all beautiful, radiant, and almost perfect looking people. How am I supposed to live with this people?

"Hello to you my beautiful young men, I will be leaving you in-charge into helping my precious niece. Take care of her and I will expect a lot from you." She said quite threatening-ly. I sighed I guess this will be my life now. I went down and I catched from my sight that they gulped when they saw me. I am sure it's because their tasked become more difficult than what they expected. My aunt just hugged me and whispered how much she'll miss me and love me. Then took off, leaving me standing in front of these beautiful people.

One of the guys walked forward played with the end of my hair and said, "Hey, I'm Lax but I can also be yours...What do you say?" I smirked, must be the playboy of the group. The wind did me a favor and blow the strands of the hair in my face giving him a sight of my purple eyes so he took a few steps back.
"Scarlette Arixien, Sasa." They started introducing theirselves.
"Luce." The one with the stern look but playful grin said. He might be the one with the big personality in the group. He kind of have a rough demeanor, I think he is the one with the temper. "Dale. It is nice to meet you." He smiled, a friendly aura. He seems both soft and stern, I feel like he have storm in his calm. There is something about him that I can't wrap my fingers around. "Ren Alexander, just call me Raj." He's the formal one, exudes bookworm aura. He looks like the clean, smart, and control freak type. Or maybe the one that seems to always be indifferent. "Theo Jae, T.J, I uhm I'm so happy to meet you." He hugged me. One word, BABY. He's like the cute kid in the group.

This will be interesting. If only they don't make me dizzy with their brightness. Funny thing, I'll be giving them nicknames of my own anyway maybe soon. I just nod and started walking inside and carefully looking around, nothing changed with the way it looks it just feels home-ish now since there are people living here. It does have the feeling that man-ish feeling. It needs a feminine feeling here. I went to check my room, mainly black with purple and gold accent. My shelves are installed with all my books in it of course I made sure that those books are with black velvet sleeves I had it customized since most of it are thrillers and horrors anyway. My wall are decorated with some interesting paintings, there are a lot of daggers, knives displayed. Some of it are real, some are non-functional. In the middle is the sword it's black with red details. My lamp is moon in a stand, there and on the other bedside table is glow in the dark faux human heart in a jar. Candles shaped as hand that when you light red wax is what will melt. If your faint of heart my room will scare the crap out of you.

I saw that the stuff my aunt brought here are unpacked and in the walk-in closet. I sighed at the sight of it, fancy dresses, dressy stuff, boho stuff, sexy stuff...there they are casual things. There are bags, accessories, and shoes. This looks like a mall boutique. I went out and closed it. I heard a knock, "Come in." As soon as I heard a foot step, sign that the person come in I heard the person closed the door and rushed out. So I went out to see Theo pale and stuttering, "I-I j-just want to a-ask her if she w-wants to e-eat sn-acks with us." He was with the rest of the guys. "Hi? Why did you come out? I told you, you can come in." He looked at me horrified. The other seems to not understand so they asked if they can come in my room and when they did they were all dumbfounded. "S-so." Lax said. "You a-are not planning to kill us aren't you." Dale continued. Luce on the other hand is looking around. "Stephen King? Really odd lady aren't you?" Raj said when he noticed my shelf.

"This is not okay..." Theo said almost crying at the sight. "Snacks." I said so they went out and we go to the kitchen.
Some of them are still shaken up with the idea that they may be living with someone fascinated into stuff that is not normal and may kill them. I saw a huge pizza box in the middle of the table. They are whispering to each other, "We should get to know her.." Dale said.

I lift my head looking at them..."What?"
Theo scratched his head..."W-we just wanna ask if you still speak tagalog?" Oh, that..I just arrived back here in the Philippines. Apparently my Aunt thinks it's gonna be better just because everything's all new...
"Yes." I told them and they smiled. "You people are weird." I said and they all laughed. Oh yea, compared to me they totally are normal.
"Your aunt told us to cut your bangs for school on Monday." Luce said.
"You can try..." I said with a hint of challenge on my voice. "Oh and can we see your face?"  Lax said playing with  hair clips on his hand. I slowly stood up but all of a sudden Theo is on my other side and Luce is on my back Dale holding my arm and Raj was just watching amused. I glare at Theo, "You're gonna totally regret this." I tried to struggle... Lax placed two hair clips on my hair so the bangs will be out of my face. I don't even know how I look like. I saw a playful smirk on his face. Then I just stood there frozen my eyes closed. "Dark under eyes, bushy brows, dry skin, a few pimple and red spots, some white heads, and chapped lips. This is gonna be a lot of work but she is beautiful. She is just not taking care of her skin." I glared at him it was Raj and then  the moment I opened my eyes they were silenced. "P-purple eyes..." Dale said. "Pretty purple eyes." Luce muttered...and well Theo was still scared.
"Are they real?" Lax asked. "I saw it this morning when I tried to flirt I thought it was green with a hint of amber or light blue because of the sunlight." I just walked away to my room.

It just started and I am not liking it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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