[Chapter 2]

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 "What do you mean you graduated?!" Lilla exclaimed slightly freaking out, "We're only 7, for goodness sake!"

"I guess I'm just that good, Lils," Shisui said grinning over at the girl on the other side of the counter

"Maybe, but you know this means they're going to send you to fight." Lil said looking down at her fiddling hands, "I don't want you to end up like my parents, Shisui!"

"Lilla..." Shisui trailed off slightly stunned. He'd never heard her raise her voice or put so much emotion into it in the whole month he knew her. Heck, he didn't even know her parents were ninjas.

"Just promise me you won't die alright?"

"Well when a cute girl like you pleads, how could I?"

"This isn't the time to flirt, idiot," Lilla said pushing Shisui's face away as a customer walked in.


"I see you're back Shisui" Lilla noticeable perked up seeing the boy walk through the bakery doors.

"What did you miss me that much?" Shisui walked toward her to lean on the counter.

"To be fair, you were gone for 3 days, Shisui," Lil said leaning on the counter in front of him her face scrunched up slightly in worry. Those 3 days were the most crucial for children going into war, they separated those who could handle the bloodshed and those who couldn't, those who would live and those who would die. During that time Shisui probably had seen more death than needed for one lifetime.

"I know, I know but I am back alive just as I promised you, Lils" Shisui grinned down at her putting more pressure onto his arm only to wince slightly.

"You're hurt aren't you?" Lila questioned him already reaching to grab his arm only for him to flinch backward at the fast movement. Doing so he had jumped back about a foot and immediately reached for his kunai pouch. Lila stared wide-eyed with her arm still partially reaching out toward him.

"Give me a minute," she said walking away from the panicked Shisui only to walk back a second later with a small package, "Alright let's go." This time slowly she reached her hand to lightly grab Shisui's arm to guide him out of the shop making sure to turn the sign to closing and lock the door behind them. Slowly she guided the dazed Shisui to her home and up the stairs to her bedroom and sat him onto her bed. Slowly, again, she grabbed a spare blanket.

"Okay, Shisui, I'm going to wrap put this blanket over you, alright?" she only got a slight nod from him. Going ahead she wrapped the pink, fluffy blanket around his shoulders and went to grab the small package she had brought with them, "Can I look at your injured arm?"

Slightly less shaken now Shisui whispered a small yes lifting his arm toward her visibly shaking. Lilla slowly started to fold up the sleeve of his shirt to reveal a badly dressed wound, he'd probably done it himself in between fights, the bandage was soaked through with blood and the skin around it was pale where it wasn't covered in red. Slowly she began to unwrap the bandage to show a clean slice, probably done by a kunai, covered in dried blood but not closed.

"Okay, I'm going to need to clean it and then stitch it, alright" Shisui nodded this time with less hesitance in his movements. Picking up a small, soft cloth Lilla soaked it with antiseptic and began to gently blot the wound to remove any dirt and dried blood from and around the wound. Shisui stifled and winces as Lilla continue to work until it came to the stitching. First, Lilla sterilized the needle with a small flame and then threaded it. Next, she proceeded to cleanly stitch the wound as quickly as possible.

"Okay that's done now," She whispered wrapping new, clean gauze around the stitched wound, "Now I brought something for you." She gently said reaching back into the package grabbing a strawberry cupcake. Shisui took it from her offering hands and slowly ate it not looking up.

"I'm sorry"

"The only people that should be sorry are the stupid elders that decided to let children fight in a stupid war." Lil put her hand on Shisui's shoulder taking the wrapper from the cupcake and pushing him down to lay down on her bed, "Now why don't you go to sleep, you definitely need it."

"Thank you, Lilla."

[Written 3/30/21]

[Published 3/31/21]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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