Oh my gosh, did yall just see that!? Ryan just kicked me out for BARBIE. THIS IS THE MOST AWFUL THING EVER! Know what will I do!? Where will I live...I should not have done that with Barbie...She has not even done anything that bad. Ugh, My anger issues cant cantrol ANYTHING. I don't even have my LOUIS VITON NOR GUCCI BAGS WITH ME! How will I survive!? Seriously.. I cant live without a designer bags..I don't know what to do now...I dont have anything with me....Not even Money...Ryan just kicked me out and I did not get a chance to get anything to survive. I really regret what I did....I want to apoligize. But Ryan is not in the mood right now ): Oh well, we will have to see how this goes..But at this point..There is nothing to do.