Part 6

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Narrator's POV: so sorry i was gone forever XD TYSM RzufikXD for everything so srry if i spelled it wrong

Budgey woke up that day smiling brighter than ever today! She kept repeating in her head todays the day i tell him! She said walking to her mirror I'm telling him no matter what! She said in her head she threw on her pirate hat and burst into the kitchen "big day today huh?" Said her mom as she prepared worm pancakes "yeah its my best friend's birthday! Can i go?" She asked "why of course, any friend of yours is as important as you!" Her mother said placing plates on the table

Budgey's POV:

I burst out the door with my pirate hat and i walked to clowny's house because well duhhh his house is litterly next door neighbors to mine! I rung his doorbell and his dad opened it "yes?" He asked "um hi! Im Budgey! Can clowny come out and play?" I asked "yeah hold on" he said walking back inside, i could hear them from inside talking but very muffled. Finnaly clowny walked outside "hi budgey!" He said holding something behind his back "whats that?" I asked, he giggled "look what i made last night!" He said pilling out a pirate hat from behind his back "i made it myself!" He said posing proudly "wow cool! My mom made mine." I said smiling "wanna go meet up with zizzy and foxy? We were planning something for ghosty!" I said jumping up and down "why not?" Said clowny shrugging. We walked to the park and clowny pulled out his phone "ima call them up!" He said "alright" i said kicking the sand "hey guys meet up at the park we are planning for ghosty remember?" Said clowny on the phone. He shut it "they're on they're way" he said jumping onto the swing set. Just then i saw foxy trotting over to the park he must have been ready. Foxy met up with us and jumped onto the swings i joined in. "Hi foxy" i said "hi foxy" said clowny "hi budgey hi clowny" said foxy swinging higher and higher, although i noticed foxy's eyes were latched onto clowny.
"Ummm foxy?" I asked he stared at me "yeah?" He asked. "Ummm sorry you were staring at clowny a bit weird" i said
He immediately started blushing "oh i was...? Heh what a coincidence!" He said acting up. "Thats not a coincidence-" i said staring at him, it then hit me ooohhh tahts what was between them.. duhhh he likes him i thought laighing.

Clowny's POV:

Zizzy was running full speed towards the park, she was a zebra known for zig zaging and zip zap zoo she was super fast she beat all of us in races well exept for flying races she couldn't fly but i could pretty much fly and budgey and ghosty so yeah. Ghosty always won those races. Anyways zizzy was already here she was talking with budgey when i noticed someone in a hood walking up to us "hey guys look.." i said pointing. Foxy then zizzy then budgey noticed it "who are you!" Said budgey flying up to the top of the swing-set "you know me and i know you" said the hooded figure running up to us. Just about now i noticed the voice "LEAVE US ALONE WILLOW!" I yelled jumping off my swing. "Your little ghost friend isnt here to protect you now." She laughed "no but i am!" Said foxy jumping in front of me, oh brother my face heated up again -//_//- "foxy i-" i was intteruoted again "ugh willow!" Said zizzy "foxy I'm fine i don't need to be protected" i said resting my hand on his shoulder "but-" he paused "ok" he said "hah!" Laughed willow "ill let you all slide for now" she said walking off. "Idiot" i said under my breathe,
Although i think zizzy may have heard it.

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