Chapter V

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   Jordan and I crept through the tall stalks of corn towards Mrs. Dailey's farmhouse.

   We stopped at the edge of the cornfields, sticking to the shadows.

   I peaked out, seeing the Imperial parked in the driveway, but no sign of Priscilla or Luther.

   "C'mon." I said, leading Jordan towards the side of the house.

   We spotted a window with a light on inside.

   Jordan pulled me towards it before peaking through it.

   She let out a gasp, covering her mouth with her hand.

   "What? What is it?" I whispered.

   I saw a few tears well in her eyes as she turned away from the window.

   "What's in there, Jordan?"

   She just shook her head, a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

   I felt a sudden fear creep up on me as I stood up a little, glancing through the window.

   The image waiting for me was far worse than anything I've ever seen before. Fresh blood coated the wall in the kitchen, even more blood pooled beneath Mrs. Dailey's lifeless frame, a jagged hole ripped into her throat.

   I quickly ducked down, fear and sadness overtaking me, tears welling in my eyes. "Oh my god..."

   Jordan grabbed my arm, pleading with me. "Please, Lexi, tell me this isn't real... This is all just some sick dream, right?"

   I looked at her, speechlessly, more tears spilling from my eyes.

   She wiped at hers. "Take me home, Lexi... I wanna go home..."

   Before I could even make a move, the sound of muffled voices rang out from the kitchen.

   I covered Jordan's mouth as she continued to mumble to herself, straining my ears to listen in on what they were saying.

   Unfortunately, I was only able to make out bits and pieces.

   "... Move the body outside... Accident... Clean this mess up..." Came Luthers voice.

  "... Take care of her... Prepare Angelica for the girl next..." Came Priscilla's reply.

   Jordan leaned back then, her head hitting the outside wall of the house ever so slightly.

   But, it was enough to grab Priscilla and Luther's attention.

   "... What was that..?" He asked.

   "... Go check it out..." She replied.

   I helped Jordan to her feet, trying to drag her back towards the cornfields. "C'mon, Jordan, we have to get out of here."

    She stumbled next to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder for support, as we made our way towards the corn.

   We slipped past the first few stalks just as the front door opened.

   I stopped dead, crouching as low as I could, still holding Jordan.

   Luther looked around before approaching the edge of the cornfield.

   I held my breath, barely able to make him out past all the leaves.

   A tense silence filled the night air, even the crickets stopped chirping.

   Then, he started walking a little ways down the edge, out of our view.

   I exhaled slowly before turning towards the direction of the car. "C'mon, we gotta move."

   Jordan and I moved as fast as we could, the moon seemingly lighting our path right towards the car.

   When we finally broke through to the clearing on the other side, I hurriedly sat Jordan in the back seat before getting into the drivers side, starting the car.

   I flipped the headlights on, seeing Luther standing ten feet or so in front of the car, his eyes flashing that same odd color, blood staining his chin.

   "Shit!" I yelled as I put the car in reverse and slammed down on the pedal.

   Luther let out a yell before chasing after us.

   "Dammit, move faster!" I said in a panic, pushing the pedal down as far as it would go.

   Finally, we made it back onto the dirt road and I put the car in drive.

   Before I could even hit the pedal, though, Luther barreled into the side of my car, sending it sliding across the road and into the ditch on the other side.

   The force of the impact knocked me unconscious...

   Brief snippets of conversation passed through my ears.

   The sound of Priscilla's voice rang clear first. "... No, we are to save her for Angelica..." .

   Then Luther's. "... What about the other one..?"

   "... Dispose of her... This one's coming with me..."

   Then, everything went quiet...

   The sound of the alarm startled me out of my sleep.

   I shot up quickly, my heart hammering in my chest.

   As I looked around the room I was in... I realized I was back home.

   'But... How'd I get here..?'

   Daylight shined through the windows.

   'Last night... Mrs. Dailey...'

   I stood then. "Where's Jordan?"

   After getting dressed as quickly as I could, I made my way downstairs, only to see my dad and deputy Mills sitting in the living room.

   They spoke in hushed tones, sad expressions on their faces.

   "Deputy Mills, thank god you're here. Mrs. Daily was murdered last night. Jordan and I saw the whole thing, we know who did it. We have to go talk to her right now-"

   Deputy Mills put her hand up. "Lexi... Jordan is... Jordan's dead..."

   My blood ran cold. "What..?"

   My dad inched towards me. "I'm so sorry, kid... I know she was your best friend..."

   I took a quick glance at him, moving back. "She... She can't be... I was just with her last night... We-we saw the whole thing..."

   Then, the conversation between Priscilla and Luther popped back into my head.

   "... Dispose of her..."

   I collapsed to my knees then, my dad rushing to my side.

   "No... Please, no..." Tears streamed down my cheeks.

   My dad wrapped me in a tight hug. "It's ok, let it all out."

   I looked up at deputy Mills. "Wh-what... How'd she die..?"

   Deputy Mills lowered her head. "It... It looks like another animal attack..."

   I pushed my dad away as I got to my feet. "Bullshit! I know who killed her. And Mrs. Dailey and Brice Adams... These aren't animal attacks... They're murders..."

My dad and Deputy Mills shared a glance.

Then, Deputy Mills stood in front of me. "Are you sure about this?"

My lip quivered a little as I nodded. "Jordan and I saw it... With our own two eyes... I-I know who's responsible..."

"Who?" My dad asked.

I closed my eyes, memories of the grizzly scene inside Mrs. Dailey's kitchen passing through my mind.

"It was Priscilla and Luther Mortem..."

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