Chapter Six: A mess of things

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  *Sarah's POV*

'I'm sitting here my hair not brushed, haven't showered, still in the same pjs that I have been since I got home. My stomach in a up-roar doing flips.. my heart beating out of my chest and my palms pouring the sweat. It's been a week since the incident at Ryan's but it feels like it's been months!! After that day Holland just dropped me off at the house and left. Leaving me alone with my nerves and my thoughts to eat me alive.'

'I wake up everyday in a panic waiting for that phone call from Ryan. I have no idea what he's gonna say or do. It doesn't help that me and Jessica aren't allowed to have any contact with each other until the meeting. Is he going to fire us? Are me and Jessica not going to be allowed to work or be around each other anymore?? What am I gonna do?!'

'I felt my stomach do another flip I made a run for the bathroom and started gagging. Nothing came up.. I was dry heaving. Due to my nerves being torn all to hell I can't eat.. I can't keep anything down. All I can do is chain smoke cigarette after cigarette. I lay there in the floor in my own sweat.. I felt another wave of pain come over my body. It felt as if barbwire was wrapped around my Skelton and hugging it tighter and tighter. From lack of sleep and food my body aches all the time. I just want things to go back to normal!! I managed to crawl back to bed, curl up and dose off for a bit.. If this is how my life is going to be I hope I don't wake up after this...'

               *Jessica's POV*

'The week has slowly dragged on. Each passing day becoming more unbearable. I can't stand being away from Sarah! I feel like an addict that's having withdraws.'

'I was pacing the room back and forth like mad, burning through my cigarettes and throwing back the brown bourbon like it was water.'

'The more days that went by and heard nothing from Ryan the more restless and aggravated I started to feel.'

'What the hell am I going to do about Ryan?'

'I poured my last cup of bourbon draining the bottle dry. I drunk the cup of the brown liquid down in one drink, the little trail of fire in my throat as the bourbon made its way down gave me chills! The chills and bourbon was enough to start a fire in my stomach and awaken a power within me that I didn't even knew I had.'

'I slammed the cup down on my nightstand, wiped my face of the tiny trickle of bourbon that was making its way down the corner of my mouth and I felt a smile start to form. I knew exactly what I was going to do.'

'I was quick to start getting ready. The sooner I get this over with the sooner I can see Sarah!!'

'I turned the shower water on all the way hot to the point it was boiling! I stepped in the shower letting the steamy water make it's way down my soft smooth skin.'

'I stepped out of the shower the bathroom being both warm and foggy. My feet making a little pitter-patter noise as I made my way across the tiled bathroom floor.'

'I stepped into my bedroom the cool air was just enough to take the edge off where my body felt like it was the perfect temperature. I dried myself off, put coco butter lotion on my hands, legs, arms, face and lips. I put on a grey, tight, long sleeved dress on that stopped just above my knees. The fabric soft and smooth. I put on a pair of black shiny pumps. I curled my beautiful blonde hair and put on my best perfume. A hot shower always makes me feel more relaxed and focused!'

"Who's the baddest witch in town?!"

'I asked myself as I gazed at my own reflection in the mirror.'

'I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door.'

'With the way I was speeding I got to Ryan's house in no time.'

'Just as I was getting ready to knock on the front door Ryan opened the door. He looked both a little puzzled and surprised at the same time.'


Hello Ryan, May I come in? There's something we need to discuss.

"If this is what happened between you and Sarah at thanksgiving then I don't want to hear anything about it until the meeting."

Ryan please...

"I told you Jessica no. Now are you going to get out of my way or do I have to make you?"

                   *Ryan's POV*

'As I was getting ready to head out the door I opened to find Jessica standing there about to knock. She looked about as stunned as I was her mouth slightly gapped opened as she slowly lowered her hand.'

'She's never shows up without calling unless it's of virtual of importance.'


"Hello Ryan, May I come in? There's something we need to discuss."

If this is what happened between you and Sarah at thanksgiving then I don't want to hear anything about it until the meeting.

"Ryan please..."

I told you Jessica no. Now are you going to get out of my way or do I have to make you?

'Just as I was trying to move past her she stepped directly in front of me, got nose to nose with me then the strangest thing happened. Her eyes started to turn pitch black. The sky started to turn dark, crows started to cry and the wind was picking up.'

'I felt all the blood drain from my body, my pulse was out of control! My mind was screaming at me to make a run for it but my body was frozen like a statue.'

'What the hell is going on?! Wh-What is this??? I never seen Jessica like this! I both feared and respected her.'

Okay okay!! I will hear what you have to say!!

'Just like that everything went back to normal.'

'I moved to let her inside of my house.'

"Now was that so hard?"

'She asked as she smirked at me while making her way in.'

'We both went inside my private home office.'

                 *Jessica's POV*

'When I took a seat and got comfortable Ryan folded his hands on his desk.'

"So what exactly is it about what happened that day that we need to talk about?"

Everything.. about Holland...

"Jessica I respect you but if you just came here to trash Holland's name I'm going to have to politely ask you to leave."

You don't understand..

'When I said that it came out more like a whisper. I was feeling a wave of different emotions. I was pissed how Holland was treating Sarah, I was aggravated that our boss caught us and I have to explain all this goddamn bullshit and my heart was breaking because of everything Sarah is being put through.'

"Oh I don't understand?"


'I said quietly as I pinched the bridge of my nose. I was trying my best to keep my composer.'

Ryan, have I ever given you a reason not to trust me? Besides what happened at Thanksgiving have I ever gave you a reason to doubt me or question me?

'He looked me straight in the eyes and his posture relaxed. His eyes looked kinda sad. Now I know he feels bad."

"No.... you haven't."

'He said in a shaky voice.'

Then... then... please- pl- please just hear me out...

'My words came out all broken.'


'Ryan asked with deep concern in his voice.'

'I tried taking a deep breathe but just ended up crying instead.'

'Ryan rushed over beside me and gently took my hands into his.'

"Jess what is going on???"

It's time you know the truth about everything.. about how Holland really is and I'm so sorry you have to find out this way....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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