twenty three.

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SUN BEAMS IN through the tall windows of Jordyns room, disrupting her sleep

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SUN BEAMS IN through the tall windows of Jordyns room, disrupting her sleep.

She sits up in her bed, groggily rubbing her eyes to rid them of the blurriness.

She quints to read the big clock on the wall and nearly gasps at the time; 1:57 pm.

She scrambles out of bed and into her bathroom, quickly turning the shower on and peeling off her uncomfortable clothes.

She steps into the shower and hisses at the overly hot water, she turns the handle over slightly, relaxing at the cooler temperature.

She takes her time in the shower, slowly washing her hair and body, even shaving her legs.

By the time she got out its 2:30 pm and she has breakfast waiting on her desk.

She walks over and sits down, taking a strawberry off of the plate and nibbling on it.

She smiles while looking down at the familiar gardens, she watches as the gardener waters the various types of flowers.

Though she has to look away when the door is pulled open and Aro steps in.

"Hello, Jordyn." Aro greets, closing the door and walking further into her room.

Jordyn places the green leaf of the strawberry down, "Hello, Aro."

"I hope I'm not disrupting anything." Aro says worriedly.

Jordyn shakes her head and smiles at him, "You're not. What's up?"

Aro smiles back, "Sulpicia wants to see you."

"Oh," Jordyn blinks, "is she with you?" She furrows her eyebrows at Aro.

"No, she is in her tower," he shakes his head, "would you like to see her as well?" He asks, his voice is hopeful

Jordyn shrugs and stands up, "She has her own tower? Sheesh."

Aro chuckles, "Yes, she spends most of her time there, she comes out very rarely."

Jordyn nods and grabs a pair of shoes, not caring which, she slips them on and follows Aro out into the hallway.

"So, why does she want to see me?" Jordyn asks as they walk through the stone halls.

"She liked you very much when you met her, she's been wanting to see you again for a little while." He informs her.

"She did?" Jordyn raises her eyebrow.

"Very much so," He nods, "you remind her of Didyme in a way." His voice turns somber at the mention of his late sister.

"That's nice." Jordyn feels honored that she reminds Aro of someone so close to him.

The walk to the south tower takes maybe ten minutes, Aro and Jordyn speak about Jordyns trip back home the whole way there.

They come to a stop in front of big mahogany doors, Aro pushes them open and steps to the side so Jordyn can walk through. She steps past him into a hall that leads to a big spiral staircase.

She walks up the stairs, Aro following behind her.

At the top of the stairs is another door, she knocks on it quietly, it gets pulled open all in the same second.

Sulpicia smiles and pulls Jordyn into a hug, Jordyn takes a second to hug back, due to the subtle shock that was sparked through her at the sudden action.

"Hello, Jordyn." Sulpicia greets once she frees Jordyn from the hug.

"I'll leave you ladies alone." Aro dismisses before heading back out the door.

Sulpicia takes Jordyns hand and walks her over to a large couch, the two sit down.

"So, I hear you went to your sisters wedding?" Sulpicia asks excitedly.

Jordyn nods, "Yeah, I was her maid of honor." Jordyn smiles while thinking of the wedding.

Sulpicia claps her hands together like an excited toddler, "I do love weddings. I bet you looked astonishing."

Jordyn blushes and looks down to hide her face, she smiles, "Thank you."

For the next few hours, Sulpicia talks Jordyns ear off about all the weddings she's been to, which is an ungodly amount.

Jordyn doesn't mind, though. She likes Sulpicia and spending time with her, it feels nice to just talk with somebody about things that aren't truly important, like the abundant amount of weddings one has been to .

"The latest one I've been to was around three hundred years ago." Sulpicia finishes with a short sigh.

Jordyn blinks, "Wow. You must really like weddings."

Jordyn suddenly stands up, earning a confused look from Sulpicia, "I have to pee." Jordyn says before heading for the door that was placed in the middle of the wall, assuming it was the bathroom, but before she can even reach for the door handle, Sulpicia is redirecting her.

"That's not the bathroom." Her voice holds an anxious tone to it.

Jordyn raises an eyebrow at the sound of her voice, "Do you have a bathroom? My bladder is about to explode."

"Perhaps you should just use the one in your room," Sulpicia leads her over to the door and pulls it open, "I'll see you soon, Jordyn."

Jordyn steps out of the door and goes to say something to Sulpicia but the door is closed.

Jordyn furrows her eyebrows and goes down the steps, praying she doesn't pee herself on the trek back to her room.


HOURS LATER JORDYN is reading a book on her bed when the door opens, then closes and cold arms wrap around her waist.

"Hi, Caius." Jordyn greets, dropping her book down.

"Hello," Caius twirls a lock of Jordyns hair in his pale fingers, "how was your time with Sulpicia?"

Jordyn shrugs, "It was okay, she rambled on and on about weddings," Jordyn laughs, "and she nearly ripped my arm off after I tried opening a door."

"Oh, really?" Caius, of course, knows why Jordyn was pulled away from the door.

"Yeah, it was weird. How was your day?" Jordyn asks, not noticing Caius' nervous tone.

"It wasn't too bad, court was long." Caius shrugs.

Caius then picks the book up and begins reading it, Jordyn soon falls asleep listening to the softness of his voice.

edited:9/30/22 its almost October 🫦

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