Chapter 9

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At noon, nearly 50 Wolves showed up in the meadow where Edward and Bella had once gone; those Wolves were the grandchildren of the original wolf pack.

At the same time, the Cullens were sitting in the meadow, all watching as the multitude of clans began assembling in the field.

Carlisle looked at the group and said, "You all know why you are all phasing." They all stared at him. "We are vampires. And any time a vampire shows up on your lands, you all must phase and destroy them. But in recent years, the vampire attacks are getting bolder and more dangerous. This is why we have returned.

"You may have all heard about how your grandfathers and our clan fought against an army of newborn vampires and destroyed them. That is true. But there is a witch living in the woods and she seeks to use evil to harm the people of Forks. Jacquelyn here has some experience fighting witches and she will instruct you on how to fight in your wolf forms."

Jacob said, "And now comes the story of the reason why the Cullen clan is here:

"Many years ago, there had been just seven members of the Cullen clan living here; but earlier than that, my grandfather Ephraim Black, Chief and Alpha wolf, met them while they were hunting and a treaty was enacted, a treaty that we ourselves have upheld and you and your children will uphold when we all die.

"That treaty has shaped our clan and led to an alliance unlike any other alliance that you may have heard of. We have told you of the time we banded with the Cullens and fought a wicked vampire who was bent on killing Bella Swan, now a member of the Cullen clan; but now comes the time that we must tell you about another Cullen.

"Rosalie Hale had been one of the richest girls in Rochester, New York. That was, until she was attacked and left for dead. Carlisle Cullen was in New York at the time and he stopped to save her from an untimely death. She took revenge by killing her attackers and then turning on her fiancé and killing him as well.

"Rosalie then joined the Cullen clan, which then had consisted of Carlisle, his wife Esme, and Edward. A few years later, our tribe found them hunting on our lands and we would have destroyed them had we not noticed that they only ate animals instead of humans. That was when the treaty was created. In the years following the treaty, Rosalie had acquired a mate named Emmett McCarty, the same Emmett who now sits among the Cullen clan. For many years, she was content; or that was, until Bella Swan came along. You all know her as the daughter of one Charlie Swan, who married Sue Clearwater and they had several children, and they and their children also sit among us to this day.

"We are unsure of what caused Rosalie to abandon the Cullens and us, but the big theory was that after Bella came to live with her father, she began dating Edward Cullen, the son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen. They later married and had a daughter named Renesmee, who is my wife and the mother of our eight children. It had been said that Rosalie, upset because she could never have a child and Bella survived the birth of Renesmee, harbored resentment towards the younger vampire. Also, my beta, Leah Clearwater, had imprinted soon after her mother's remarriage and gave birth to a son, which also drove a wedge between herself and Rosalie.

"But what caused her to leave the Cullen family could be attributed to Jacquelyn Claire, who claimed to have given birth to five children, all while she was a very young vampire. This is the same Jacquelyn whom we found out years later had given birth to a sixth child, and he now sits with the Cullen clan; we have yet to induct him into our pack.

"But while we decide his future, we must wonder why Rosalie had abandoned us. Was it because of something that happened to her in her past that was never resolved? We do not know. But all we do know is that we must find her and bring her back and then find the witch responsible for her condition."

Everyone nodded and Sam stood up. He said, "Now that you know the truth, you will all patrol in the lands around the Cullen home. This witch must be found."

Emmett frowned; he had heard enough. He made to leave, but Hilsa said to him, "So she had been a mate of yours?"

"She saved me when I was attacked by a bear," Emmett said sadly. "She made me happy. But I did not know why she left me. She didn't even say goodbye or anything like that. I feel so hurt."

Jacquelyn watched the scene unfold and then Embry appeared to her. They had not spoken to each other since their affair nearly 15 years earlier and they needed to talk.

Not that she had much to say to begin with.

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