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dude I have to leave tomorrow
I tried staying but I cant

this is the longest and furthest I've ever been from home

my anxiety and mental health went to fucking shit lol

hey hey hey

dom please calm down and talk to me

ik its hard but just talk to me for a minute

I'm not trying to change your mind, especially when it comes to your mental health

just take a minute to talk to me

I literally told you

okay so why has it all been worse?

just cuz its a new place?

Cleveland alone is huge

not talking about the rest of Ohio

I miss my mom

you make me anxious
and I can't tell if in a good or bad fucking way

Cleveland gets smaller as you get used to it

we can just stay in Cleveland until your comfortable if you decide to stay

and if you need me to stay away and stop talking to you so your anxiety goes down, ill do that man

I cant imagine just up and leaving

shit I have a hard time going right out of state, yet a whole other country or continent across the world

you think you can come over?
read 2 min ago

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