Mount Tong'lu reopens ( Ghost king aroused!)

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Both Xie lian and Hua cheng stood in the huge hall of Qiandeng temple. Golden pillars spread across every 10 or so metres holding up the massive yet elegant ceiling that was dressed in chandeliers lit with ghost fires. 

The matter with He Xuan in the black water demon lair had been settled and Both Xie lian and Hua cheng could spend some time together, But here xie lian was teaching his beloved how to write. If and only if Hua cheng's writing wasn't so bad that even the ugliest ghost would puke, It would've let them spend some lonesome time moving further their relationship. 

Every time Xie lian remembered the coffin scene in the black water lair where both him and his beloved Hua were forced in a single claustrophobic space, he would blush, trying to move his eyes and avoid gazing at HuaHua directly. Though Hua cheng was still unaware of the situation like a child who couldn't figure out what he did. 

 Xie lian grabbed Hua cheng's hands, directing his brush to create smooth strokes like helping someone terrible at driving. Although Hua cheng didn't care for the writing, rather looking and feeling the subtle sensation of His gege's hands holding his own. 

"Where is your mind?" Xie lian asked, looking at Hua cheng while his hands still emerged into the beautiful strokes. 

Hua cheng, with one of his hands supporting his face, depicting someone admiring something to the utmost finally broke free out of his little moment and answered. " umm, nothing! I was just seeing how your hands moved". Gege really does know how to write. Xie lian was confused, he, who was taught by the exquisite writing masters of Xianle was replied with " gege really does know how to write", seeming like Hua cheng never thought Xie lian even knew how to write. Still he gave a small laugh which was replied back in the same way. 

"Gege! Can we rest now, My head seems to be paining" Hua cheng said as he broke that laugh. Does San lang want me to help relieve the pain?

No, it's okay your highness. There's no need to trouble yourself. 

"What do you mean trouble?" Xie lian replied thinking Hua cheng didn't consider him close enough to help. If my beloved San lang is in pain, why shouldn't I help? But where in the world did Hua cheng know that the little tingling would turn into a headache accompanied by excruciating pain. To be honest, Ghosts never felt any pain. even if their arms were cut off, they would recover in a few days or even a few hours for supremes. But this was different, Hua cheng's breathing picked up pace, as to even letting out noises.

Xie lian without hesitation, took a step towards hua cheng, lifting his arm and placing the back of his hand on Hua cheng's forehead. Ahhh! He screamed as he backed away feeling a little but lasting sensation of being burnt. DO GHOSTS ALWAYS HAVE THIS HIGH FEVER!? He thought in his mind. San lang! What happened?? Why do you suddenly have this inhuman fever?

Your highness....mount.......Mount Tong... it was a while before Hua cheng finally blurted out the full thing. Mount Tong' lu seems to have reopened. Mount Tong' lu huh? Xie lian wondered, It seemed as if he knew what it was. Wasn't it the place where every hundred years a supreme would emerge? If that was the case, Then the whole world would be thrown into chaos. Another supreme!? Were the 4 calamities, or to be exact 3 not enough that there's a fifth one joining?

This probably took around 1 sec to process all the information needed. If one was in excruciating pain then even 1 sec seemed like eternity. But now was not the time to think of that. He quickly went in and cupped Hua cheng's face into a kiss. What stupid ideas did Xie lian have thinking kissing would release the fever. He probably didn't mean to kiss inorder to release the fever but to provide his beloved with some cool air. But this still seemed ineffective, in return almost cooking xie lian's lips to the core. 

He sooner or later figured out this was pretty dumb of him to do and immediately grabbed Hua cheng's arms putting it around his neck. If only it wasn't for the countless layers of robes enveloped around Hua cheng, Xie lian might've just burnt his neck. Countless robes!? Xie lian knew what to do. Any one who was in a similar situation would definitely do this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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