Entrance exams

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        You sat in the big UA auditorium nervously bouncing your leg. "WELCOME TO TODAY'S LIVE PERFORMANCE!!!! EVERYBODY SAY 'HEY!!" Present Mic yelled to a response of silence. "WELL, THAT'S COOL MY EXAMINEE LISTENERS!! I'M HERE TO PRESENT THE GUIDELINES OF YOUR PRACTICAL!! ARE YOU READY?!"

More silence.


You were pretty confident in your work on the written exam but now that it was time to take the practical exam you were excessively nervous. Would the faux villains be affected by your quirk? Where you screwed? Probably. But you shouldn't be thinking like this! You should be thinking like a hero! Plus ultra!

You rode the bus to the exam area and your anxiety only rose. You were extremely nervous and desperate to take your mind off of things. Luckily you had terrible impulse control and there was someone sitting right next to you. "Hi, I'm (Y/F/N) I make light come out of my fingers, what's your name?" You blurted out hoping they wouldn't be too annoyed by you.

The purple-haired boy sitting next to you seemed almost a little surprised you were talking to him. "Hitoshi Shinsou,"

"It's nice to meet you, sorry, I'm just really nervous and it helps to talk to someone."

"It's okay,"

"What's your quirk?"

"It's nothing special."

"Oh come on, I bet it's cooler than mine. I'm just a glorified flashbang grenade,"

"It's called brainwash."

"That sounds so cool! How's it work?"

"Do you really wanna know?"

"I do." Just as you finished talking Hitoshi grinned and you suddenly couldn't move. You sat up very straight and crossed your legs while looking straight forward, you did all of this involuntarily. You stayed that way for a moment before you regained control again. You immediately looked over at Hitoshi, it looked like he was expecting you to scold him, "holy shit! That's so cool!" You said, grinning at him. "You're gonna be such a cool hero!"

He raised an eyebrow at you. "You don't think it's villainous?"

"Not at all! I mean it's not the conventional brute force quirk you typically see in pros but I like the more clever quirks myself. Have you heard of Eraserhead? He's an underground hero but he's got a really cool quirk that lets him cancel out other people's quirks, I think he's so cool. I wish I could meet him." You got really excited about quirks. You always made a note about quirks that interested you whenever you heard about them and you'd spend time researching them afterward. "Oh! And Sir Nighteye's quirk! That one's cool too! And Midnight! Her's isn't as clever but I still like it."

You didn't have time to continue geeking out about your favorite heroes because the bus stopped and you arrived at your location. "Good luck Hitoshi!" You said as you walked over to where everyone was congregating. You had a new excitement and vigor after talking to Hitoshi and you were ready to defeat the enemy.

[a while later]

"Congratulations young (Y/F/N)! You've been accepted into UA high school!" said the projection of all-might on your desk. You were overjoyed, but what class were you in? 1-A? 1-B? "You'll be in class 1-C, general studies!"

The projection ended and you stared at where it'd been for a solid 5 minutes. What? I'm not in the hero course? Really? But, I tried so hard. Maybe my quirk is useless after all. Tears began streaming down your face. You'd given it your all but you still hadn't managed to do anything. But you were going to UA! You should be excited! It's still a prestigious school even if you're not in its renowned hero course.

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