Judas' and his followers

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Third person view

Levi  woke up a bit after you left.He got dressed in his signicher black and gold suit.He walked out your double bedroom doors,and started heading to your office.Once he walked in he saw Liam beside your desk"Is there something wrong Liam?"He asked in a monotone voice  and walked over to the book shelves"No young master,There's been a request for you and Miss Aiuchi to a couples dance,next week friday.It's going to held by Sir Kisami"Liam said in a respectful tone in voice"Sure i'll tell her once i see her..." The young prince said looking at the interesting titles.Liam made his way to the the young prince and said"I would advise you not to read those..."Liam said shortly and left.

Levi's Pov

I was looking at the weird titles of the books Stoles? I thought."I would advise you not to read those..."I heard Liam said,I slightly jumped,he was rather close.He just walked away after not uttering a word.Who does he think he is? I thought glaring at the double doors.I shifted my eyes to the books in front of me.I took out the one that said Judas' followers why would she have a book about a people who betrayed god?I thought. I sat down on the sofa and started reading....

Third person view 

Levi was very confused on my you had this book, be had only read 5 pages and was already weirded out.Then he remembered to to tell you about then dance.He stood up on he's two feet and and walked put the dark book back on the wooden shelf.He walked over to the doors and walked in the hallway.He made hi way half down the stairs when he saw Y/n.

He smiled quickly but changed into an emotionless face.He didn't want anyone to know that you're his weakness.He didn't want you to be in danger.But little did he know you already were.

"We've been invited to a couples dance by Kisami"He says in a tone that matches his face.The girl infront of him just smiled"I guess word travels fast.Well i'd like to attend, if you would join me"She said looking him in the eyes."Of Course"He said in his usual emotionless tone,but she knew that he was happy to see her."Now!I would like you to look around my village.I need some things to do that really need to be done."
By surprise the young prince infront of her pulled her by the waist.holding her close"But you promised that we could cuddle."He said whispering in her ear slightly with a sad tone in voice."Tonight okay?"She whispered back"FiNe"Levi said with a groan.

Levi let go of her and kissed her on the forehead"My brother should be waiting in the dining hall."Y/n said walking up the stairs.Once she made it into her office she called out for Liam. Liam came in with a calm face and quietly made his way over to her desk"Yes Y/n?"He said after bowing"Can you please tell the chefs to make me some pasta please,I haven't had breakfast yet."The girl say "Yes Ma'am"The butler said and turned away to do what he was ordered to do."Oh!"He heard his Mistress call out. he turned "Yes?""Can you make sure Levi eats before going to the village?"She said walking over to the shelves."Yes Ma'am.And Young master came her and look at your books"He said noticing the girl walk to the shelf."Oh...You shall take your leave"
Liam obeyed and left the girl alone in the room.

Y/n's pov 

I looked at the books to see if took one out, or read one.I ran my fingers through them all,but stopped on on of the books named Judas' and his followers.I looked at Shiechimi. (Since you're a demon the people in you village are demons.) Most of you maids and butlers are demons,but about 17 are humans you have saved or had owned their life to you. Shiechimi was one of those demon that larks in the shadows.You had saved him from hell a long time ago.And he owed his life to you.You let him guard your office and keep you company.

You opened the book and looked through the pages."What page did he read up to?"You asked your companion.You heard his chains on his bracelet rattle as he walked over to you."To page 5 i believe."He said as he walked back and layed on the couch."You should've seen his face!He looked to weirded and creeped out"I say picking up a an apple and putting it close to his face before sinking in his yellow teeth in the ripe apple.

You walked over to you desk and opened the book on the first page.You started reading,you heaven't read that book in ages.Then last time you've read it was when your father gave it to you when you were 10.He wanted you to know the basics and things like that.Now your fathers to busy to even visit you  (You'll see who your father is in other chapter)    

You sighed about the thought of your father and all those memorise,but you just continued reading "I thought you already read that"You heard Shiechimi say "It's nice to read things again"You say still focused on the book"Okay?If you say so,Im going down town to get some food,do you want any wine?"You heard him stand up and stretching."No thank you"You just simply say."If you say so..."He then just vanished' thought you had work to do?'You heard Jonathan say.

'Yeah?'You reply in your mind'Then don't you think you should get on with it?''No'you reply with a annoyed tone'Just let her rest for a bit and then she should do her work' Magnus said backing you up.'Fine'you heard Jonathan say.You went back to reading you book...

~Hai reader-chan!sorry for the long chapter.but i hope you liked it.I had writers block so i couldn't think of anything to write about~

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