where land meets sky

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A red pickup glided down a rural interstate with a cloud of dust trailing behind its wheels. Everything's shrouded in a dreamy glow. The mountains and rolling hills became the driver's only companions whilst he drummed his fingers against the steering wheel to the tune of a folk-country melody.

Jack Twist was well out of Texas now. The freedom excited him. He wouldn't consider himself a romantic, but driving out ten odd hours to visit a lover sure would. He's had many partners between this one and his marriage. It didn't matter to him if they were women or men; but every time they came in the door they left the next day. Every one combined didn't hold a candle to the bond he shares with his old 'friend'.

His truck rattled to a stop in front of a worn-down apartment building. Jack held his head proudly out of his car window to see the one he longed to embrace.

"Jack fuckin' Twist!"

The familiar sound echoed in his mind. Jack wanted nothing more than to be with Ennis again. He was yearning. Aching. He stretched his arms as wide as he could, but with his exhale they collapsed flat onto his mattress. He suddenly felt the weight of his body sinking into his bed. Dammit.

"En... where are you..." Jack called out groggily.
"Try again. It's your wife."
"Ah." He sat up and rubbed his eyes, blinking them open to find the woman he married. He felt his heart sink in his chest.
"Mail. For Jack fucking Twist." She dropped a pile of paper in his lap with an aggravated tone gripping her voice.
"Thanks, hun." He slumped down and started flipping through the letters. An uncomfortable silence took hold of the room.

"So... who's this 'En' lady you keep mumblin' on about? Talkin' in your sleep... hell, you barely make love to me no more." Lureen crossed her arms.
Jack stiffened and rubbed his knuckles awkwardly. "I, well..." Jack's blood went straight to his feet.
"Don't waste your time stammering. One more slip up and you're out." Lureen stormed out of their room. She meant every word, but they didn't hold half the magnitude to Jack.
"Your old man wouldn't mind none," he muttered under his breath. His eyes widened as he pulled out a familiar looking postcard.


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How about november 7 for you.
I can meet you at pine creek
                       Ennis Del Mar

Jack's always admired the way Ennis' handwriting gracefully looped over itself. He drafted up a response to his Mr Ennis Del Mar without hesitation.

Friend I'm on my way.
See you then

The time it took for general delivery mail to make its way from Childress to Riverton gave Jack a few hours' leeway before leaving.

He snatched up his black Stetson from the mudroom and threw a denim jacket over his shoulders with one desultory swing of his arm.

"Where're you off to now?" Lureen put a hand on her hip and knit her brow, glaring at her husband in disappointment.
"I'm headed up to Wyoming." Jack said with a smile.
"Fishin' calls." He shrugged.
"It's always this damned fishing buddy of yours. Why don't he come down to Texas one time?"
Jack stopped in his tracks for a moment and averted eye contact from his wife.
"He's busy." Jack retorted.

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