something so familiar

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"Jack." Ennis nudged his shoulder, his voice stuck in a whisper. "What did you wanna tell me?"
"I had a dream about you. I never dreamt of nobody that ain't me."
Ennis smiled sincerely. "That's sweet. Thanks, Jack. So've I. Once." he hesitantly admitted.
"Go on then," Jack propped himself up by his elbows, "stories don't tell themselves," and took a swig of a beer he'd brought into the tent.
Ennis knew that. Hell, they're both grown men who had become so deeply enthralled by one another - like a pair of teens who should know better than to fall in love for the first time.

Ennis still didn't know where to start. "Oh, y'know... just hearin' your voice, holdin' you in my arms, and all that stuff you'd expect." He looked back over at Jack, who had been smirking and playing with a lock of Ennis' hair the whole time.
"Mine are about the same." Jack shrugged and glanced away. "But sometimes we get up to more than just holdin. It's always somethin' so familiar to our time workin' on Brokeback. Oh, god." he giggled, quickly losing his train of thought. "Sorry. I promised I wouldn't get, y'know, *hic* a knee braided."
"A wh-..." Ennis looked down at his leg. "...a what-" until it hit him. "Inebriated, Jack." He stifled laughing. Jack joined in, hitting his hand gently on Ennis' chest. "Oh Lord, what am I gonna do with you, Jack."

Jack gripped the other man's shirt and pulled him into his body. "I don't know, friend. What're you gonna do with me?" He raised a brow and pushed his hips against Ennis'.

Ennis was still tired from an hour ago, but he had to admit he was impressed with Jack's enthusiasm.
"Hey. Slow down, rodeo rider." He murmured as he pet Jack's hair.

"Without you my world duzn't make sense." Jack mumbled as he felt his hands under Ennis' shirt, making En smile from uncontrollable subconscious joy.
"Mine neither." He giggled and pulled away from Jack's alcohol-bathed breath.
"When'll you wanna go out n find us an acre of land?" Jack said as he looked up at Ennis.
"I don't mind." Ennis was content seeing Jack so exuberant.
"How about Thursday?" Jack grinned.
"Sure thing." Ennis patted his back. "Let's get some rest then."
Jack nodded and laid his head on Ennis' chest.
"Goodnight, Ennis."
"Gnite." He murmured as he held Jack close to his breast and relished in the warmth their bodies shared.

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