Cinema Day

293 12 3

Y/N - You're Name

GF - Cherry

BF - Keith

You've have been woken up on Monday by Cherry. You got up so you wouldn't be dragged by her. Dressed up and and put you're hair in a ponytail. You got out of you're room and went to the car. Cherry drove to the same houses and Keith, Pico came out of it. You got to the same mall and then you realised that there was a Cinema there. You all got out of the car and went inside. You got the tickets, drinks and popcorns. And went inside the theatre. Keith didn't tell you what the movie was, but watched it anyways. It was a horror movie. That was you're first horror movie you've seen. You were slightly scared. You got jumpscared and accidently jumped on Pico.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry about that!"  You were blushing of embarrassed.                                    "Heh It's fine."  He chuckled a little bit.

You were blushing really much for jumping on him and being really close to him. You were hiding you're face a lot of times and you couldn't really watch the movie. But before you know it the movie ended. The lights turned on and everyone stood up, you followed along. You all went outside of it. You're blushing went away.

"Hey, I think we should still hang out."  Cherry brought up.                                                                        "Cherry, what are we gonna do? I already went shopping, to an arcade place and to a restaurant."  You responded.

Cherry was silent. Looking at you for a long time and then spoke up.

"Then what do you wanna do then?"  Cherry asked.                                                                                        "Go home, I'm tired..!"  You answered.                                                                                                                  "Why can't we watch another movie? We can just trick the workers."  Pico adviced.                    "Pico! We can't just do that!"  Keith responded faster than Sonic.                                                            "Oh my god! Can you shut up for once??"  Pico came back.

Keith gave Pico the most pissed off face you ever saw, he then took Cherries hand and went somewhere. It was just you and Pico standing there.

"Do you wanna go with me?"  Pico looked at you and asked.                                                                      "Uhm, I just wanna sleep, but sure I guess.."  You answered tiredly.

He took you're hand and went to the theatre. (You didn't notice him holding you're hand.) You came to another theatre with another movie.

"Hey do you want a popcorn?"  Pico asked you.                                                                                                "Yeah sure, why not?"  You responded.

He bought you popcorn and you both went inside. The movie started and it wasn't a horror movie. You actually focused on it because you weren't a pussy on this one. (I'm not being mean, I bet you're amazing! :) ) You got really tired and you couldn't control it. You fell asleep on something, but didn't really care.

You got woken up by tapping and it was Pico. You realised that the movie ended and that you slept on Pico's shoulder. You were surprised that Pico let you sleep on him. 

"Oh.. Sorry about that.."  You giggled off.                                                                                                              "It's fine, you were tired anyways. What do I need to do?"  He joked a little bit and went outside.

You both went outside of the mall and you both didn't see Cherries car. You noticed how Pico took his phone out and texted somebody. It didn't bother you because you thought he was ordering an uber. 

You waited a while until a car came infront of you. You saw the same girl with black short hair smiling at you.

"C'mon get inside!"  She said.

You went behind her and Pico went the other side. You were driving a long time until you stopped to another house, you never have seen the house so it was probably somebody elses house. Before anyone came out you snapped.

"Hey! Wait! Uhm, I need to go to my house.."  You responded.                                                                  "Oh, you don't mind a sleepover right?"  The girl said.                                                                                  "I do mind! My family is probably worried!"  You're heart started beating in fear.                            "Hey.."  Pico said to you.

You looked at him in fear almost crying.

"I can lead you to you're home, no worries."  He smiled at you.

You were in such joy almost hugging him, but you controlled it.

"Yes, please!"  You responded in joy.

You both got out of the car and he led to you're home. When you came you went inside and waved bye. When you got inside everyone was in tears. They all hugged you, really happy that you're safe.

"Please tell us when you will go out next time!"  You're mother told you while holding you're cheek.                                                                                                                                                                                        "I will."  You responded.

You noticed that Cherry was grounded because she was suppose to look out for you, but she didn't. You went into you're room and thought about today. So many things happened today to you. You snapped out of thought and went to bed.

Words: 790

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