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Mina Present POV

So What happened next day? Hmm.. Exactly at my third day of college, I became Hostler. Even now, it seems like a dream to me. Without my parents, I lived with these two for years! Haha! It was so fun ha..

Mina Highschool POV

My father arranged all the things and necessities I want. My parents dropped me to school and bid a good bye. Both are employed. Even so, they spend time with me. I love them. But in Korea, their lives become more busier. So, this time, it's my turn to do some work! Fighting! I am now in Jeongyeon's room. Yeah! When I arrived with my parents minutes ago, I called Jeongyeon and Jimin as they told. They helped me carrying my luggage since my parents are old. So Kind of them. My parents felt happy like they put me on right people hands. It's making me happy instead of nervous. Don't know why~~

JY: Mina! The cupboards here all belong to you. I cleaned them so that you can use them. 

MN: Thank you Jeongyeon

JY: I didn't tell you this to say thank you to me. We are friends. Arasso?

MN: Hmm Ok.

JY: Mina.. But I forgot to tell you one thing. Here in this room, they gave us one huge bed so that two can sleep on it. Is it ok for you?

MN: Yup! It's fine! No problem in it!

JY: ok then! Good!

MN: Already ready for school?


MN: You know Japanese?

JY: Little by Little

MN: Haha😊

JY: Kawaii ☺️(Cute)

MN: Eh??

JY: Sugoii!!(Beautiful)

MN: Woah! Stop Stop!! I am neither of them!

JY: 😁Haha. Let's meet our Kawai  Chimmy!

MN: Arasso.

We went to our class. Now Jimin sat at the front bench of last bench.

JM: Hmm Whoever comes first will get a chance to sit beside me!! Come!! Come!!

JY: It's better not to sit beside you.😒


JM: Wow! Mina! You're looking beautiful today. Yeppo!

Jimin told me with a shy smile as usual. I sat beside Jimin leaving Jeongyeon behind.

JM: Jeongyeon-ah You're late! Haha 😁

JY: Whatever who cares about your damn race!

I smiled looking at Jimin and Jeongyeon. 

JM: Mina-ssi, Since it's your first day at dorm, Let's go on a date!

MN: Ahh.. Jeongyeon, Will you come?

JY: Ani.. Today I am busy. Sorry Mina. Even that chimmy didn't ask me for the date. So you can go with him, Mina!

MN: Sorry Jimin-ssi. I think I also can't come.

JY: Is it because of me? You can go with Jimin. He is safe.

MN: Ani. I need to arrange my things in cupboard. Maybe we can go together tomorrow. It will be my treat!

JM: Arasso!

Classes started as usual. And weirdly, I am hearing little snoring sounds from behind. I think Jeongyeon must be sleeping again. Teachers are not seeing at back bench. They're thinking there's no one at back bench. So Funny!! Break is given.

JM: YAH Jeongyeon-ah!! Wake up!! Next period is a new one! We don't know how that teacher reacts when he/she sees you! Palli! Wake up!!

JY: Jimin-ah!! I want to sleep like this forever~~

JM: hush! Don't talk bad words!

JY: What's bad about that? Even death is so peaceful! It's not a bad thing!

JM: Jeongyeon.. Wake up!

JY: Ok Chimmy! 😴👌

Next class started. I think she is listening now. Jimin is like male side of me. He puts concentration on everything he does. This class is also over. Then another teacher came. 

Teacher: Annyeong Students!

Students: Good morning Sir!

Teacher: Is anyone of you interested in Ballet? I will teach you Ballet for the next 5 years! You will become a perfect Ballerina!  Try it for 1 year first. If you like it, Continue or then leave it.

MN: Hmm.. Jimin-ssi, Are you interested in Ballet?

JM: Haa.. Kinda. To my female personality, I think it suits me.

We both turned back to hear Jeongyeon's answer. But She said"No", without any second thought.

JM: Shall we give names to the teacher?

MN: Dae.

Teacher noted our names. Very few students only raised their hands. We are one of them. I don't know it feels like a new opportunity to my life. The word Ballet has some refreshness in it.

School is over again. It's a daily routine. But today it's gonna be bit different because I am living without my parents for the first time in my life.

JM: Mina-ssi! Meet you tomorrow!

MN: Dae! See you tomorrow Jimin-ssi!

We bid goodbyes to each other. Now it's me and Jeongyeon only. I don't know how to behave with her first of all. I think I am also slightly scared of her.

JY: Mina-ssi! Are you interested in Ballet?

MN: Dae! I always thought of learning Ballet by watching it in movies. There's a famous Japanese movie that depicts the life of a Ballerina. I inspired from it. 

JY: Oh! I see!

MN: What about you, Jeongyeon-ssi? You must be interested in something as well?

JY: Not interested in this life to start with. Don't know where I reach. Don't know with whom I will end up. No goal practically.

MN: Ehh? You shouldn't be like that. Get some interest on something! You can do anything Jeongyeon!

JY: Thanks Mina. I will later think about it. We arrived to our dorm.

Mina's present POV

Eventhough I don't know why you aren't interested in anything, It just feels like you know about yourself from the beginning.. It hits me hard..

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 Have a good day~~

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