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I was going take a sip to my coffee when I heard a light tap through the door. I put the mug on the desk and closed the book that I was reading.

“What is it, Hilary?” I asked to my personal maid. How did I know? Well, instinct. The door slightly open, a chesnut blonde haired girl peeked into the gap.

“Miss, I think, you should sleep now.”  She widened the door and stepped inside to my room. She crossed her arms, looked back and forth to me and to the wall clock. Awhh, she's cute when she do that. Oops! I forgot the time! It's already four twenty eight in the morning. Wew, No wonder Hilary  is giving me a serious look. Although, she always looked like that. I forced a sweet smile, trying to look cute and to enlighten her mood. Though I'm not sure if this gonna work.

She let out a sighed and walked towards my direction. She picked the book that I was reading and put it back to the bookshelf. I watched her small form as she starts to rearrange the books from the bookshelf. I placed my elbow on the desk and facepalm, staring to the air.

“I couldn't sleep. I want to read more!” I grumbled and placed my head on the desk.

“But Miss, you've been done reading all these books, right?” she recalled.

I sighed again. Yup, I've finished reading those books in just one month! So, I reread all of them again and again and again. Damn! I want new books! These books at my bookshelf are gettin' old. I always wanted to read romance and teenfiction books! I know there's thousands of various stories about romance and I want to read them all! Kyah~ that's heaven dude!

“Miss Penelope, I advise you have to sleep now. Your mother will arrive soon.” Hilary reminded. I snapped out to my trance. Shit! I nearly forgotten about Mom! I turned my gazed to the wall clock. It's ten minutes before five in the morning. I still have enough time to sleep. I don't wanna see her with a look of a panda. Ya know?.

I hurriedly climbed to my bed and shut my eyes. I heard Hilary footsteps getting away and the click of the light switch. I yawned, my eyes are starting to get heavy.

“Good mornight, Miss.”

— 🍑🍑🌿

A/N :
  ⊡ all chaps are short
  ⊡  prologue removed

; why peaches?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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