C8 • Honeymoon

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It was a Sunday morning — nine o'clock to be exact. The morning sun shone radiantly through the beige silk curtains, glistening onto the sleeping couples.

Y/N was the first person to usually get up in the morning and start her day early. However, Michael was a deep sleeper.

Y/N slowly began getting off the bed, gently removing Michael's hands from her waist. She began to walking towards the bathroom, being pregnant was a lot of work especially on her bladder. Y/N was two months into her first trimester. Michael and her were happy about becoming parents. Especially Michael, he always imagined what life would look like with a little him running around the house.

After using the toilet, she proceeded to take a shower. As she walked out of the steamy glass shower — putting a white towel around her. Y/N heard the bathroom door creak open as she looked into the mirror — revealing her husband Michael.

She smiled and continued applying lotion to her body. Michael walked up to Y/N wrapping his hands around Y/N's towel covered body.

"Good Morning beautiful," Michael whispered snuggling his face into the crook of Y/N's neck.

"Good Morning handsome!" Y/N smiled.

"How's the baby and yourself?" Michael asked proceeding to give Y/N a kiss on the lips. Y/N held up her finger directly at his lips stopping him.

"You're not going to kiss me, when you haven't brushed your teeth sir! And me and the baby are doing fine." Y/N said slipping into her red satin robe.

"Pshhh, girl whatever. At least I ain't got dragon breath like yours." Michael smirked.

"Still giving me stank breath vibes!" Y/N sassed as she flipped her hair. She laughed walking out of the bathroom. Before she closed the bathroom door, she went back into to clear up Michael's comment.

"One more thing, my breath doesn't stink applehead," Y/N commented as she crossed her arms — pursing her lips with a "HM" and swiftly turning her head away leaving the bathroom again.

"She's so dramatic," Michael chuckled.

"He's so rude!" Y/N whispered by the door mimicking Michael's voice.

Y/N made her way downstairs. She proceeded into the kitchen coming in contact with the house maids greeting them as she sat down at the dining table for breakfast.

The aroma of fresh Belgian waffles and maple syrup filled the entire kitchen. The maid brings a plate of stacked Belgian waffles with melted butter seeping into the hot and fluffy layers of the waffles. She placed the bottle of maple syrup on the table. She asked Y/N what drink she would prefer for today's breakfast, Y/N asked for tea with just sugar. The maid gladly obliged to Y/N's request. She placed the tea alongside with sugar and milk.

"Thank you so much Mariam," Y/N smiled.

"You're very welcome, Mrs. Jackson." The maid Mariam replied walking back into the kitchen.

Michael walked into the kitchen glancing at his wife enjoying her breakfast. He giggled at Y/N's facial expression as she ate her food. She's such a foodie! He thought. Y/N waved Michael over to sit beside her.

He sat down beside her, pouring himself a cup of cold freshly-pressed Orange Juice. He begin to start a conversation with his wife.

"So, I was thinking about us going on a official honeymoon, just you and me away from everything?" Michael asked.

"I would love that, well consider it a baby moon because you know..."Y/N pointed out rubbing her pregnant belly.

"Well Yeah," Michael chuckled as he attempted to reach for one of Y/N's waffles, she quickly swatted his hand away.

"Mine! Get your own Jackson," Y/N said sipping her tea causing him to playfully roll his eyes.

"By the way, what place do you have planned for the trip?" Y/N asked.

"We're going to Bali," Michael answered.

"INDONESIA?!" Y/N gasped.

"Yes baby girl," Michael responded with a smile exposing his pearly white teeth.

"So, when do we leave?" Y/N asked with such excitement in her voice.

"Tomorrow," Michael announced.

"Yay! I have a really cute bathing suit that'll blow your mind!" Y/N beamed.

"Oh really?" Michael smirked. "I can't wait to see it, might as well just show me it in the bedroom right now." Michael added using his flirtatious voice.

"No sir, you gotta wait. Patience is key." Y/N replied trying to peck Michael's crimson cheek. He quickly moved his head crashing his lips onto Y/N's leading to a passionate kiss. As Y/N pulled back she glanced at Michael taking a bite of her waffle.

Y/N crossed her arms with her mouth agape, "Really," She said.

"I love you _____ Jackson," Michael spoke as he winked causing Y/N to playfully roll her eyes.

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