Game Bang

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Last time in Iancorn
After MariCarft
Ian's POV
After they played MariCarft lasercorn was not in rage but they started peace now
But I don't know if lasercorn is
But more of a fact I liked him
But for it not to be wierd for the guys
I won't say it but I feel so right when I team up with him... Some how
But I don't know If he felt the same way
If he did it would be our little secret
I don't like him that much and I'm sure I'm not gay but I just can't explain this feeling
I'm not gay I'm not in love but he is my best friend and I sport him on anything he desires
Lasercorn's POV
After MariCarft I wase'nt stress out well we have peace
I saw Ian walking away
And thinking
I wounded if he is think about our ship or or things
I.i..don't know
I just when back to my office playing GTA5 with Mari,shohinki,Joevanshire
After 5 hours pass
I was finally lying Down in bed getting ready for tommorow
Anthony's POV
Ian slept early today and he was so active...
But... He.. Dozen..nt... Sleepy this early
So I just slept
Me and Ian was lunchtimes with smosh... And after that opening mail
Mari's POV
Lasercorn was so good at GTA I mean he is good but gone better
And he was active
After the opening of mail
Of Ian and anothy
We where all in the game room
Playing more games and me and Joven lost
I was Mario and Joven was peach
Which was very funny
Ian's POV
It was funny
Very funny
Everyday I feel this happiness
Flowing my me
After the punchmesnt
Me and anothy went back home
Joven,shohinki and laser corn when to record there old job before game bang started
Joven was doing it at his channel
( subscribe: The Jovenshire )
Another day ends and starts something new
But always the same happy
Lunch,mails and games with friends and lasercorn
We where making wattpad story's
Reading fan fiction
And acting
Well it was a hard day

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