Legoshi helps Haru

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The next morning, Savy walks with Haru*

Savy: You almost had sex with a carnivore?

Haru- Well , yes , I thought that's what he wanted but it turned out that he ran away before I could go further (Chuckles ) He's different then the other jerks I've slept with.

Savy: Maybe you should take things slow with him, take my advice, go on a couple of dates with him.

Haru- Yeah.. Maybe.

Then , they look and ses a pot of flowers dying.

Haru- Huh? Those flowers aren't looking too good. Who's been taking care of them.

Savy: No idea, we need to get them fixed.

Haru- ( Holds the vase ) Don't worry. We'll nurse ya back to health in no time.

But , as Haru was ahead , someone trips her , making her yell and drop the vase

Savy gasps*

Then , Mizuchi and her girls come out laughing at her.

Cat- So lame !

Raccoon- You look so natural down in the dirt like that !

Savy: Grrrrr, you girls are mean, don't you have your boyfriend to get back to?

Mizuchi- Speaking of him...

Mizuchi pulls Haru up by her ears.

Mizuchi- It's been a little while , Haru. We need to talk. Tell me , did you talk to my boyfriend again by any chance .

Haru- Huh ? Does that mean... ( Chuckles ) You two won't be able to get back together ?

Mizuchi- ( Releases her ) What ?!

Savy: Oooooh.

Haru- It was a smart decision on his part. How about you take it out on your pals instead ?

Mizuchi- Listen to me ! All of this is your fault ! You see , the harlequin rabbits , are one step close to extinction all because of sluts like you both who are the scum of the world ! ( To Haru ) You're worthless ! All you do is ruin everyone's relationships !

Savy: Hey you're the one who is scum!

Haru- ( Sighs ) You know what ? Let me tell you this since you're all so naive and... Yet adorable.

The girls gasped and looked at her in shock before she stomps over to Mizuchi.

Haru- Your loss bow deal with it ! When it comes to hearts breaking , the more you're bound to lose !

Savy: Yeah!

As Haru continued to talk down to them , Mizuchi and the other girls become afraid. Not of Haru but of Legosi who's with Smart Guy and the rest of the Weaselings witnessing the roasting.

Savy: So why don't you girls get going and try to do other things besides picking on Haru!

Haru- I got nothing else to lose after all ! And , I'm free , unlike you guys !

The girls whimpered at Legosi and screamed as they ran away.

Haru- ( Smirks) Huh. I think I made my point. It's not like they didn't deserve it.

Mizuchi- Who cares ?! Go ahead , eat them alive !!

Haru- Huh ?

Savy looks*

They look and see Legosi , Smart Guy , and the Weaselings.

Haru- ( To Legosi , surprised ) Oh. It's you

Legosi is quiet*

Malikai: *whispers* Talk to her.

Legosi: Y-Yes... It's me.

Haru- Oh , um... Thanks. Thanks for scaring Mizuchi away. ( Chuckles ) Even though I kinda got it under control , I appreciate it.

Legosi: Y-You're welcome.

Savy whispers to Haru: *whispers* Ask him if you can have lunch with him.

Haru nodded yes*

Haru- Hey , um... Since you helped me , you want to go have some lunch together ?

Legosi: Oh... um... of course.

Haru and Legosi left.

Smarty- Man , I haven't seen Haru gathered up courage like that before

Savy: I know.

Smarty- ( To Malikai ) Hey , Legoshi and his drama team are going to the Black Market. Wanna come with them ? I'm only sticking around so they could avoid trouble

Malikai: Sure.

Smarty- Okay.

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