Chapter 2 - James Tiberius Kirk

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Me: Hi guys, okay this chapter is going to be about you moving to earth because 'Planeta Cattus' is too boring and shit. Enjoy meeting the womaniser himself! Jim Kirk!

Jim: well that's not fair!

Me: it's very fair, NOW ON WITH THE BOOK!

Reader's POV

"Mom, I understand that we're halfway to earth right now but why are we moving again?" My 14 year old self very confused.

Jim: Do you have to add your age?

Me: yes, now shut up

"Well sweetie there's this very serious disease sweeping Planeta Cattus and I don't want you to catch it"

"Really? What disease?"

"It's called 'disposal-side-character-itis' very serious illness" my mom, is just the strangest person ever...

"Honey you'll scare Emily, you know how much she hates viruses!" My dad chipped in. I looked at Emily, she looked at me. 'I can't believe he still remembers that'  Emily thought 'I know, still the best excuse not to go outside you ever thought of though lmao' I grinned as she rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Don't worry, she's a brave gal. I'm sure she's okay with a little mention, right Em?" Emily gave the thumbs up saying

"Yes, as long as it's not too often" 'huh, maybe I'll make a rebel out of you yet' my eyes twinkled with the mayhem I will inevitably cause in the future 'shut up Y/n' she elbowed me. 

"ow! Rude" 

"girls no fighting!" my dad said trying to intervene, mom chipped in with 

"yes, no fighting unless it's with pillows" 

"Katilina!" dad said shocked  


"don't encourage them!" 

"That's what my mom would always say to me and me sister whenever we started squabbling" 

"Grandma Midnight is so cool! She lives on earth doesn't she?" 

"Yes actually! And we'll be just a ten minute walk away from her house in Iowa!"

"Huh, Iowa..... isn't that kind of like Iowania on Planeta Catuss?" I thought aloud.

"Yes! It is! And I heard the plot is very good around there!" Dad nudged mom,

"Oh er, I meant to say that the NEIGHBOURHOOD is good around there. Ehehehe.... Errrrr who's ever heard of plot? " Mom can just be so strange sometimes...

~when you get settled into your house in Iowa and start at the local school~

"Okay class, we have two new students so why don't you both come to the front of the class and introduce yourselves." 'Ah crap' I thought 'be positive' I rolled my eyes 'fine' we both got up and went to the front of the class.

"Hi my name is Emily"

"I'm Y/n"

"And we're identical twins" we both speak at the same time

"I like engineering" I said

"And I like learning about medicine" added Emily,

"Wonderful girls, now why don't you go sit down at the table near Jim. Jim give us a wave" a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes waved. We walked over and sat at the double table in front of him. 

"Now class Tom and Mary are going to hand out the text books and if you can all turn to page 255..." that's when I stopped listening and started doodling, Emily nudged me a couple of times during class when the important stuff came up but other than that I was completely zoned out.

~After class~

"hey! New girls!" That blonde came up to us during lunch break

"Yeah? What have I done now?" I asked,

"Yes, what has she done now? She didn't start a student revolution when I wasn't looking did she?" Emily asked,confusion written on her face.

"No, it's not that I haven't yet. Some guy was staring at you so I called him a nitwit when you were getting food"

"What?! I can fight my own battles! Besides he was only looking and it was one time! We talked about the three strike policy!"

"I know you think you can fight your own battles but I always do it for you so you've never actually fought your own battle because I'm always the one swinging fists-"

"GUYS!!" We turned our heads at the sound of the blonde yelling.

"You're not in trouble, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm James T. Kirk, nice to meet you" he stuck out his hand. Me and Emily looked at each other,

"Oh, okay, I'm Emily L/n"

"Hey dude, Y/n L/n the name. Don't wear it out" I smiled, he smiled back. 

"cool, wanna hang out after school?" Emily looked at me and cocked her head to the side 'Can we? Please say yes!' I smiled warmly and nodded.

"okay, we'll go. See ya dude" me and Emily hooked arms and turned to try and find a table to sit at. 

'Hey! I didn't get in trouble! yeah! You owe me ten bucks!' I thought grinning, looking at my sister she looked away and thought 'I don't know what your talking about...' I bumped the side of my hip against hers 'Emily Angel L/n! Have I possibly caught the rule abiding, tense, uptight, truthful, Emily.......lYiNg?!' Emily rolled her eyes 'shut up' 'so now we're adding insulting your poor older sister to the list?' Emily shoved me, so I shoved her, then she shoved me again, and then-- you've probably got the point.


me: I'm to tired to think right now so I'll just say bye the guys are asleep, Spock and Y/n are cuddling. Totally cute, but because I don't want to ruin anything--

Emily:But it sayz in the title its a 'reader......X.......Spock.....' *snores* 

Me: okay so Imma go to bed now, night guys have a nice day/night/afternoon 


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