Chapter: All Good Things Come To An End

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Rosie POV

I woke up in Rhett’s bed. Why the hell am I here? I sat up and saw him peacefully asleep. He looked so cute.

“Hey….sweetie….wake up.” I said carefully pushing him.

“huh?” he says with a sexy deep voice.

“Well hello” I said with a smirk. He sits up so he can get change but i push him down. He raises an eyebrow and smirks. I laugh and kiss him playfully.

“…” He says between kisses. I sigh and get off.

“Fine.” I walk to his drawers to open the top one, but a pair of strong arms wrap around me. I jump and the grip gets tighter. ‘God, Rhett was strong.’ I turn around and give him a confused face.

“What do you want, McLaughlin? I need to take a bath. And without you.”

“Awww why not? I’ve been dating you for 4 years and we’re committed.” He complained. He did have a point. But this doesn’t feel right. I know something is gonna go wrong. I smirked and walked over to him. I go behind him and rubbed his shoulders. I thought it would be funny to toy with him. So I began to kiss his neck, occasionally biting him. I release and say in a somewhat sexy voice, “Later” and I got up. He sighed and walked downstairs.

As soon as he leaves I rush to his drawers. I need to take a bath, but I have no panties (yes i said panties. Some people hate it when people say it. But I don’t care so lets go with panties). When I open the first draw something catches my eye. I see a hot pink and black printed cloth. I picked it up and noticed it was a bra. Why the hell would he have a bra in his drawer. I keep on looking and i noticed a matching bottom. Both were lace and I got so confused. Why the hell would he have that in his drawer. Then I realized it. He was cheating on me. ‘That bastard! And I was gonna “do the do” (inside joke) with him. (Do the do= sexy time or sex).

I grab the lace objects and run down stairs to see Rhett getting ready. I thought out the plan.


3rd Person POV.

Rose coughs to get him attention, which worked.

“Hey babe!” He says while trying to get a kiss. She turns her face away and makes him miss the kiss. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Rose said coldly.

“ Are you on your period? I can get you chocolate if you want.” He asked kindly. ‘Lying Cheating Asshole’ was just going through Rose’s mind.

“I have a question.”

“Yea babe.” he said worried. He was scared about the question.

“Why is this….(shows the bra) in your drawer? And don’t lie to me.” ‘Oh Crap! Oh Crap! Oh Crap!’ was going through his mind. He needed an excuse.

“That’s my cousin’s and she left it here.” ‘Great Excuse!’ he thought. He didn’t except her response.

“Rhett, I met all of your cousins and you only have one girl cousin. She’s fucking 5! STOP LYING AND TELL ME THE TRUTH!” at this point she was on the verge of tears. “It’s my Mom’s.” He responded. “Liar! In 8th grade you dared me to wear her bra and it was huge. Bigger than this” She says while gesturing to the bra. “And what about this?” She shows the lace panties too.

“Rose I-im” He utters out before being cut off.

“When did you meet her?”

He sighed and confessed, “2 days before our 3 year anniversary.” Rose was shocked. the 3 year anniversary was the day she got the promise ring.

“W-when did you begin to date her?”

“The morning of the anniversary.”

She gasped. She shook her head in denial. “Was she at your party yesterday?” He only nodded and Rose began to cry. “Well Rhett, you broke me. You cheated on me for 1 year. I never knew because I was in chicago! How dare you! I’m happy we didn’t have sex because it would’ve been with a dirtbag! We are over and just stay the fuck away from me!” Rose picked up her stuff and ran away.

While She ran Rhett sighed and called Link.

“Hey Rhett? What’s up?” He asked.

“Hey Link….um Rose found out.” Link sighed through the phone and hung up. Link got dressed and was ready to cheer Rose up. He still cared about her.

This was alot different from what I usually type but I hope you guys like it.

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