one: oh no im screwed

21 1 0

Me and zoe started dating 5 months ago and it's been amazing but I feel like she's hiding something maybe I'm just overthinking i do that a lot.

                         At school
I ran inside the locker room and looked for zoe, I noticed her by the water fountain talking to Isaac he was a really cool guy and treats me like a sister ..I felt safe around him . I ran and nearly tackled zoe giving her kisses , she picked me up like a 4 year old and kissed me back.

"Heyyyy baby" she said carresing my cheek

"Heyyy babe" I blushed

"Oh shit I wanna tell you something" she said smiling and setting me back down

"Spill it"

"Well one of my friends is joining today and I want u to meet her!"

" o-ok what school is she transferring from?" I said nervous I hate when she introduces me to her freinds ..I feel i won't be good enough

"She was actually home schooled her whole life" she laughed

" oh okayyy can't wait" I said kissing her knowing I might literally die

"Okay babe she will be here soo-" just then a girl with blonde hair and killer blue eyes walked in she had on Bella chains and a full on LV sweat suit...oh fuck another know it all I thought to myself as she approached

"Billieeeee!!!!" Zoe screamed jumping at her hugging her
"Heyyy zo" damn her voice was piercing I don't know why

"So this must be your girl??" Billie said facing me looking me up and down judgy.

"Y-yep that's m-me.." I said slowly backing away when I felt Zoe's hands on my arms.

"Babe this is billie shes the friend i was talking about"
Billie smiled and bite her lip at me ...

I suddenly got nervous as if I wasn't already

"Hi billie im izzy nice to meet u" I said pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear realizing what u did I pulled back out fast..

"Hope to be freinds " she said smiling keeping eye contact  as the bell rings
Thank god!!!

I grabbed Zoe's face and kissed her long and passionate before running to class hoping no one followed.

I walked in class meeted my science teacher and sat in the back and put my head down

"Alright class today we have a new student joinging us today please make  him feel welcomed". A boy??? Sweet

Nope it was Billie "yeah no I'm a girl " she said rolling her eyes

"Oh sorry ms eilish u may take a seat....hmm oh with Izzy ". FUCK ME I thought as the blonde sat next to me

"Ahh Zoe's bitch hi"
She said scrolling on her phone

"I have a name" I said puting in my airpods and ignoring what she said next.

The bell rings and I stand up and text drew to meet me at the cafe

                        Drew bae🥰

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