mean ass

15 1 0

After the blonde demon and zoe left I hoped in the shower to get the guilt off me that felt would never leave my body, I jumped in after grabbing some clothes to change inti when I'm done and I sat there as the shower hit my back sending me back to where I was 30 minutes ago being fucked by a stranger...and who happens to be my girlfriends best friend...this wasn't healthy..

I started to cry and scrub my body with so my strength it started up hurting ..when I felt a little better I washed my hair and I got out and grabbed my slides and walked back in to my room changing my clothes at the same time when I was done I jumped back in bed and turned on my TV and decided to just lay there and hopefully I'll forget about it

After about three seasons of stranger things I grabbed it my pack of cigarettes and decided to smoke out with my anxiety I was thinking of quitting but not now at least not right now I pulled one off the pack and lit it up and turned on some music and I sat there thinking about everything that happened today and what will happen at school tomorrow. When I finished I sat back up and put on my shoes and decided to go for a drive to clear my mind.

Once I got in the car I felt my phone vibrate I went to see who it was as I put my car back in park. I granted to myself as I read the message


Hey love

What billie?



I decided to ignore her and I continued to drive off the driveway and onto the pavement

I drove 15 minutes and pulled into a field I got out and went to the tree house and my sister built as's sturdy as fuck for a 6 years u climbed the ladder and sat inside putting music on my phone , I pulled out a joint I rolled earlier and lit it up ....I smoke for my anxiety keeps me calm and activated ...

After an hour it started getting really dark I checked the time read 11:56pm

Shit I'm so dead I laughed as I climbed down and hoped in my car pulling up out I stopped at taco bell on the way home I got a burrito and a strawberry lemonade drink and started my drive home as I pulled off I seen billie talking to some strange dudes I slowed down a little she had a...gun...omg...I sped off not thinking twice....I looked at my mirror ..she was making eye contact with me...I'm so dead...

I pulled in the drive way got out and ran inside locking the door and running upstairs

I jumped in bed and I fell asleep..

~ In the morning ~

I woke up to my alarm going off . I sat up and turned it off I layed my head in my hands wondering what the hell is gonna happen today..see I'm worrying too much..she probably didn't see me ...and about her yk fucking me with my zoe right there..she has balls..but that doesn change shit..I still need to stay away from her..I don't want zoe to get hurt by this and hate billie..or me..

I got up and jumped in the shower and scrubbed my body more and my hair...did some acne treatment
And stepped out to grab my towel and dried off and my hair then I wore some sweatpants and a crop top and my jordans and threw my hair up in a bun.

I walked in school to see zoe, billie talking by the lockers

As I approached I saw billie turn and winked at me ..zoe was staring and smiling at me

"Hey zo "

"Hey babe"

"You okay you look really tired"

"I'm okay, cmon the bells gonna ring "

I grabbed my books from my locker and walked to english..I sit in the back and I scroll on my phone till the teacher gets here.

Billie walked in mad as hell.
Hope she's okay..
She sat next to me and smiled at me as she dug her nails in me ..till I whimpered .

The bell finally rang I jumped up and ran out to the bathroom to clean my leg which was bleeding

I ran in and covered it up

When the door swang open .. there was a billie ..why was she smiling

She walked towards me till I was up against the wall and couldn't move she grabbed my thigh and pushed me closer to the wall I whimpered at the pain of my sore like her face was
Inches away from mine as she helped me by my sore leg her lips pressed against mine and I felt my whole body vibrate with energy..she kissed down my neck leaving marks when she finally stopped kiss me one more time on the lips and walked out I didn't know what just happened so I sat there in confusion.

Sorry it's short....I will make chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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