Letter three

8 1 1

Dear girlfriend

       To my lovely and beautiful 'girlfriend' ;),
        You always pushed me out of my comfort zone, pushed me to my limits and even beyond that point. I still have the memory of you     and your family coming over to my house for souper. Our parents having a conversation about economics or even politics, then you     had the two of us trying not to make that awkward eye contact. Who knew we would become so close to the point of being fake     boyfriend and girlfriend (I'm saying that laughing if you couldn't tell). I remember trying so hard to impress you when I was outside     doing god knows what. I remember telling my self to not look up at your bedroom window, I knew you were looking at me most of the     time.

        After that we got transferred to this school, the school of dreams they call it sometimes. Is it tho? Is it really the school of dreams? I don't think so. People will forever try to put random information that is totally, in every way possible, wrong. Just to keep you in your     most vulnerable state. I can hear you say something along the lines of  'I finally got to teach you something!' . Little did you know you     thought me so much more than you know.

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