back to school

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----jess' pov----


That was the only sound i could hear right now. I lent over too turn off the alarm that woke me from my peaceful sleep. i looked around and everything was pitch black, so i turned on the light not really caring if i had just woke up my little sister (Beth). As i climbed down the bunk bed i felt something grab hold of my ankle, so i screamed at the top of my lungs. One i was over my little panic attack all i could hear was little giggles coming from Beth's bed. So i pulled back her covers and started tickling her until she could not breathe.
After i finished tickling her i went over to my dest to see if i had any notifications, but all that was showing up on my phone was tweet from one direction saying how happy they are to be back in England t start their UK leg of the tour for wwa. I sighed to myself that i would never get noticed by any of them.
I checked the time on my phone which read 07:00am, okay only 45 minutes and i would have to dread my first day back at school after a week off. Once i was down the stirs i could hear the dogs start to whine because they wanted to be fed. I wondered into the kitchen to get my cereal, bowl, milk and spoon. One i got everything i needed i made my way to the table to feed my hungry stomach. While i was eating the door opened and in come Ryan, Beth, Daniel and my dad.

"Morning Jess," they all mumbled at the same time.

"Morning guys!" I replied. Once i finished my breakfast I took my stuff out to the kitchen and then made my way up the stairs. Once i got to the top I made my way to the bathroom to clean my teeth and sort my self. When that was all done i walked into my room to get ready for school. I pulled my uniform out of my wardrobe and cringed at the sight of it. I pulled the red polo shirt over my head along with my black sweat shirt with the red logo on it. Next i put my black school trousers on and cringed at the sight. Once that was done i stared on my make-up because i like to keep things natural all I did was apply some foundation and a bit of mascara. Next i stared on my hair, I decided to put it up in high pony tail and then added my black bandanna. Then i looked at the time 07:43am. Ahh only 2 minutes and i will have to leave, i thought to myself.
I took my phone of charge and plugged my earphones in, got my bag and went to say goodbye to my mum. "Byeeee mum," I whisper/shouted.

"Mmmm," was all i got in reply. Meh i thought to myself. I left the house looking around to see if anyone else was making their way up the hill to the bus stop. I couldn't see anyone but i decide to start walking any way. As i made my way up the hill one direction's strong started playing through my earphones, I started to hum along as their soothing voices filled my ears.

As i got to the top of the hill i could see Lauren staning up there waiting for the rest of our little group to arrive "Hey Lauren!" i waved as i got closer to her

"Hi Jess! You alright?"

"Yeah im good thanks," i replied. Not long later Tiffany, Sophy and Poppy arrived looking tired. Tiffany and Sophy gave me a small smile her as Poppy gave me a long deep death glare. Oh today is going to be fun i thought. Soon the bus arrived. 

As the bus pulled up every one was pushing, but like always i was the first one on. I walked to the back of the bus and sat 2 seats away from the very back. Everyone piled on and then the bus was off.

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