44. Confidence

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requested by ehwelllive
thank you for the request i hope you liked it

3rd person's POV

"I wanna wear this," y/n cheerfully told her boyfriend while holding up a short skirt.

bf/n gave it a thought. The skirt was too short for his liking, he wanted to be strict and make her wear a longer ones but as the same time he's considering y/n's feelings.

"As long as you're comfortable wearing it," he gave her a smile.

bf/n brought a jacket with him just in case her period come or she might feel cold.

y/n's outfit shows a lot of skin. She rarely dress like that but today, she's feeling confident.

Once they've finished preparing, they drove their way to the mall.

They have decided to have a date today. It's been a long time since they went out together.

bf/n can't stop looking at y/n. Her skin kept attracting his eyes. He wanted to kiss every part of it.

On the other hand, y/n observed how buildings and vehicles turn into a blur whenever they passes them. She even squinted her eyes to see if they'll slow down.

y/n was entertaining herself and bf/n keeps getting distracted.

y/n immediately jumped out of the car as soon as they arrived.

She even forgot to wait for bf/n. She only realized it when she blabbered about something and no one talked back.

She laughed at her self for being unaware of her boyfriend's absence before trying to search for him.

They ended up finding each other in front of a restaurant and even decided to eat there.

While eating, they talked about what to do after and it was to play on the arcade.

But they both realize that it was very far away from where they are. They figured to visit every single stores they were interested to on their way to the arcade place.

They have finished eating, paid the food and started walking to their planned place.

y/n suddenly felt like everyone was looking at her, judging her appearance. Her exposed skin felt like burning she wanted to cover it.

She started feeling self-conscious.

Her fingers went to the rim of skirt and she pulled it down.

She regret wearing such revealing clothes.

bf/n noticed the change of his girlfriend's aura. He saw how she kept tugging down on her skirt, trying to cover her bare thighs.

He realized that she's feeling uncomfortable with her outfit.

He placed a finger under her chin and made her face him.

They both stopped walking as they stare at each other's face.

"Don't pull it down, you look beautiful," he said.

y/n looked down, not wanting him to see her expression, "I feel uncomfortable, I shouldn't have wore this. Everyone's looking at me."

"It's because you're beautiful, you look good in that outfit. It shows your curves and figure perfectly, it attracts peoples eyes." he tried to persuade her.

y/n finally gave a small smiled, "really?"

bf/n nodded then gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

"You're beautiful in anyway, that's why I love you."

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