Chapter 40

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"If you open up your textbooks then you will see the ingredients used in Amortentia. We will not be making it together but I do have a caldron already made. Please, none of you even think of drinking of it." Snape stared at us sharply before moving, revealing a caldron which was emitting a spiraling steam.

"Gather around carefully. Don't touch it."

George put his hands on my shoulders and helped push our way through the students to where I could see the potion. It was almost a milky white color with a pearlescent sheen to it. And it smelt heavenly.

"Now, this potion will smell different to everyone according to what attracts each of you."

"What do you smell Professor?" Someone called from the back and there was a series of short lived giggles as Snape's look cut them off.

"That is none of your business."

I closed my eyes, deeply inhaling the scents that washed over me: clove, parchment, and lavender.

"What're you smelling?" George leaned down, whispering in my ear.

"Parchment and lavender." I inhaled again, the scents calming me, "And clove."

"Well I'm smelling vanilla, obviously," I looked up to see him smirking down at me, "gunpowder, and pumpkin pie."

"You lied to me." I frowned as I crossed my arms over my chest, turning to face George.

Panic flickered across his face and I could tell he was trying to think of when he lied. "W-what?"

"You said you'd smell freshly cut grass. You didn't. You smelled pumpkin pie." I laughed at the relieved look on his face.

"What can I say, I li-"

There was a screech and the shuffling of feet as people bumped into me before I felt something drip onto my lower back, my robe sticking to my back as it seeped through to my shirt underneath.

"I'm so sorry Hazel." Everyone has crowded around me and I stared at everyone, trying to comprehend what had happened as multiple people apologized to me.

"Did any get in your mouth? Answer me Miss Smith! Did you swallow any of the Amortentia?" Snape had pushed everyone away and I slowly shook my head as he stared at me intently.

I looked behind him to see the caldron had been knocked over, the milky liquid was dripping off the desk into a puddle that was spreading. Everyone had stepped back, trying to avoid getting any of the potion on their shoes or clothes. I wasn't so lucky.

"It's just on my back." I reached behind me, pulling at the wet cloth clinging to me.

"Don't stick your fingers in your mouth. I don't want one of my students having a mild infatuation with me." Snape looked down at the mess with disdain. "Miss Smith, you are free to go change. Remember, avoid ingesting even a drop of the Amortentia."

"Yes sir." I slowly gathered my stuff, still not exactly sure if I knew what had happened. Someone had knocked over the cauldron and some of it spilled on me? I suppose that's all I needed to know.

I trudged throughout the halls to get to my common room, trying to ignore the stares I received as some of the students skipping class sniffed the air. They smelt something that attracted them. Which made me curious: what did everyone smell?

I was glad to get out of my slightly wet robe and shirt, not liking how it stuck to my skin and I tried to scrub what I could off of me but I don't think it did much good. I could still smell the Amortentia on me.


I faltered in my steps and turned to see Ced coming from the boys dorms. "Hey Ced."

He sniffed and looked around, "I smell pie. Did someone make a pie?" He sniffed some more, confusion overtaking his features.

"Sorry, that would be me. I had Amortentia spilt on me."

"Didn't swallow any, did you?"

I shook my head, "No, Professor Snape asked me that a lot."

Ced's face turned dreamy, his jaw turning slack as he continued to smell the air. I grabbed his arm leading him out of the common room, "C'mon, gotta get you to class."
I had continued to garner dreamy looks the rest of the day as I passed people, the air around me filling with scents that attracted them the most. I didn't like how they sometimes followed me until they realized what they were doing. I wish the smell from the potion would wear off already.

"You look troubled. Is something wrong?" I looked up at Regulus as I curled up into his alcove, hoping no one could smell me.

"I had Amortentia spilled on me earlier and now people are following me around because they can smell it. I don't like it Regulus."

He laughed, a deep laugh that came from the chest, "That's the love potion, right?"

I frowned as I nodded, "Yes. Does my misfortune amuse you?"

"Maybe a little bit." He gave me a smile as he held his fingers up, a small space between them.

"Laugh all you want Regulus. Do you remember what you smelled in Amortentia?"

Regulus got a wistful, far off look, "The cleaner our house elf used, floor wax, and my brother's shampoo."

I perked up, "You have a brother? Is he still alive?"

Regulus's expression turned guarded, "I'd rather not talk about him Hazel."

"That's understandable." I paused, "Were you not on good terms when you died?"

"I died with a lot of regrets Hazel." Regulus hung his head, his curly black hair falling in front of his face, shielding his expression, "My brother was one of them. I never got to tell him the truth or forgive him for leaving me. I will forever regret that."

"I'm sorry Regulus. I know that doesn't mean a lot and that I have no reason to apologize, but I sincerely mean it. I wish you could've got a chance."

"Me too Hazel, me too."
"Do I still smell like Amortentia?" I looked over at George who was trying to find a pair of clean trousers.

He paused, sniffing the air. "Faintly. Or it could be all our dirty clothes masking the scent."

I laughed and ducked as he threw a shirt at me. "Do not start with me Weasley. Do you remember what happened last time?"

He pursed his lips. "No. Care to remind me?"

I pulled my wand out, bewitched multiple items of clothing to float and they levitated off the floor. "Still want me to do it?"

He gave me a crooked grin, "I'd like to see you try."

I flicked my wand, the clothes flying towards George and burying him.

"Help! I'm drowning in clothes! And stink. Man, I need to wash these." His head popped up, his gnome underwear on top of his head and laughter bubbled inside me.

"What? What's so funny?" He looked around, trying to place what I was laughing at.

"G-gnome undies." I rolled on to my side, clutching my stomach as it cramped.

George's face grew red as he snatched the underwear off the top of his head, flinging it off to the side. "Stop laughing woman."
"Is it complete?"

"Almost my lord. Everything is almost done and has gone as smoothly as planned."

"And the girl?"

"Still unpersuaded."

"Something needs to be done."

"I know."

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