chapter four

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only one person in the precinct knew about rosa and gina's relationship and that gina was pregnant. it had been a month and a half since the pair got together which meant gina was about two months pregnant and they'd had to tell captain holt so that he could sort out maternity leave for them both; rosa had decided she wanted some time off too

they decided they couldn't keep it any longer. if this was anything like her last pregnancy, gina would start showing soon and the squad knew that milton and gina were no longer together so it would look weird.

'and that concludes the briefing this morning, unless there are any announcements?' holt announced

everyone looked around the room and rosa stood up from the back of the room. she eyed gina, telling her to get up too, before clearing her throat.

'gina and me have something to say,' rosa looked at gina, who nodded at her before rosa continued. 'we're dating...' there were audible gasps and visibly shocked faces around the room, 'and gina is pregnant.'

'WHAT,' was the only thing charles managed to say before he fainted

'you've got one minute to ask any questions and then we don't talk about mine and gina's personal life. got it?' everyone nodded, 'go.'

'amy,' gina signalled for the woman to ask her question.

'how long have you been together?'

'a month and a half,' gina answered. 'next?'

jake chimed in, 'how long have you known you were pregnant for?'

'few weeks... i think? it was whenever i thought i had food poisoning.'

amy asked another few questions about the pregnancy since her and jake were trying to have a kid before rosa interrupted.

'you had 2 minutes and they're up now.' rosa told everyone, mainly amy, as she looked up from her watch

everyone rose from their seats and began to leave the room, leaving rosa and gina in there last.

'that wasn't too bad,' rosa pulled her girlfriend closer to her

'no,' gina smiled before leaning in to kiss her girlfriend. rosa's lips met hers but pulled away quicker than they usually would.

'love you gi,' rosa told her girlfriend before they both left the room

'love you too,' gina said quietly when she arrived at her desk and rosa let go of her hand. rosa heard and smiled at her girlfriend slightly and then sat at her own desk and began her work for the day.


rosa looked over at the administrator's desk and saw the assistant looking right back at her. rosa smirked before 'taking her a pile of papers' just so she could go talk to her.

rosa strolled over to the desk and handed gina the few papers that were in her hand. 'these need signing or something.'

'no they don't, i just gotta give them to holt,' gina smiled. 'maybe you're the one with baby brain,' gina chucked

'oh, shut up,' rosa joked. 'you nearly ready to go home?'

'if you can give these to holt while i sign one more thing, then yeh.' gina handed over the papers in her hand

'gi, i literally just gave you these.' rosa laughed, 'you're stupid linetti, but i love you.'

rosa was glad that it was only her, gina, hitchcock and scully in the bullpen. everyone else had either gone home or was still working out in the field, so rosa and gina effectively had the bullpen to themselves.

rosa knocked on the captain's door before entering and handing him the papers.

'well done today diaz.'

'thanks sir... what for?'

'well i imagine what you did was very hard. you told the squad that you have a girlfriend and that she is pregnant. you are not a very open person when it comes to your personal life but i am proud of what you did today.'

rosa nodded at the captain, 'thank you.' she said before she left the office.

'ready gines?'

gina stood up from her desk and grabbed her bag before reaching out to hold the detective's hand. they walked across the bullpen and into the elevator, with rosa pulling gina in for a kiss as soon as the doors closed.


the pair were stood in the kitchen cooking whilst their daughter was on the couch.

'i was thinking...' rosa started, but didn't continue until she got some sort of reply from her girlfriend. gina looked up at her, 'this place only has two bedrooms and one bathroom so why don't we move to my place?' gina's head perked up at the idea, 'we don't have to if you don't wanna but it might make things easier, it's closer to ig's nursery too so it would kinda make sense?'

'i mean i was gonna say that we buy a place together but that works too,' gina smiled

'wait you already thought about it?'

'yeh, duh.'

rosa wrapped her arms around gina and pulled her in closer.

'i love you gines.'

'i love you too ro,' gina tightly wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. 'i think we should move into your old place, i like sal.'


'yeh, we should. then we can move in whenever we want and we won't be buying furniture when i'm like 7 months pregnant.' rosa laughed a bit before she kissed her girlfriend

written: april 2021
published: april 2021

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