Its Not Me Its my Basement ulternate ending pt.1

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It all happend so fast, Embry could hardly believe it. Dr.D Light was falling,  down the long dark stair case, and it was all their fault. " This can't be happening" thought Embry," no, not him too".
Embry was about to shut the door and run, and leave Dr. D to the mercy of the monster, but then they realized, he had only fallen down to the 10th step, he hit his head and was unconscious sure, but if they ran, Embry could drag him out and quick shut the door! The thing in the basement growled with hunger, Embry only had a minuet to save Dr. D if they were gonna do it. So Embery ran down, they grabbed hold of him, and tried to lift him up, damn he was heavy, but it was only a few steps, they could make it. Then, Embry heard the voice, the voice of their mother....
"Embry, oh Embry, bring the doctor down here, let us help him, please, you know you can't heal him yourself."
"SHUT UP" Embry was full of adrenalin now, they ran up with Dr. D no problem and slammed the door behind them, a hungry growl of anger followed.
The house shook, Embry saw that Dr.D was bleeding a little. So, they got up, and began to drag Dr. D onto the couch, that would work for now, they got bandages from the cabinet in the bathroom, and wrapped up Dr. D's head. Everything would be okay, it had to be.
But now Embry had other matters to attend to, like, how were they going to explain all this to Dr. D when he woke up, Embry would have to tell him, how would he react? It's not like having a monster in your basement is a normal thing!
Embry knew Dr. D Light was an understanding guy, he was a sweet man and all, but how the hell was Embry gonna get him to not tell anyone? If the people at the market knew, oh, this was all one big mess!
The sun was going down, it was time to feed it. So Embry went into the kitchen and made a P B and J. She went back into the living room and thew the sandwich down the basement door, locking it after. The house shook, and then all was quiet. Except for a small pained groan.
Dr. D: ....hmmm...
Embry ran to his side, looking to see if he was  waking up. She taped his shoulder, and shook him a bit.
Embry: hey, are you awake...
Dr. D: ....wh-what happend...oh my, did I fall down the stairs!? Embry?
Embry: your awake, y-ya y-you fell, you hit your head.
Dr. D: oh dear, I did didn't I? How silly of me, my, I must have hit my head hard, I could have sworn I felt the house shake!
Embry: ya, about that...the house did shake.
Dr. D: Oh no, thats not good, are your parents okay?
Embry: about that also....
Embry explained everything to Dr. D Light, who listened to every word, at first he did not seem to believe it, but when another growl came from the basement he realized Embry was telling the truth.
Dr. D: Thats awful, thats just terrible, oh my, you poor thing, why didn't you tell anybody eles!?
Embry: i-i don't know, i-i-i
Embry began to cry, it seems that by finely telling someone what was actually happening, the emotions broke loose, Dr. D tried to comfort Embry best he could, but he was weak, weak from blood loss, and the probable concussion he had. Eventually  the two fell asleep, Embry leaning next to the couch all tuckered out from crying.

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