🤕 Purpled angst oneshot dead punz !AU!

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Flash backs to mental abuse
Mention passed PTSD Episode
And slight PTSD Episode

(I have never had a PTSD Episodes so if I effend anyone I truly don't mean any of it I swear!)

In this Au purpled and punz are brothers by adoption but their guardians were abusive to punz and mentally abusive to purpled which left him with trust issues and he usually felt like a hidden on others around him after the last lmanberg war punz had fallen into the bed rock pit after he tried to get dream to stop doing what he was doing but it ended in punz dying from the fall and purpled had not been coping well at all the only people who came to see him was ranboo and Niki now that is it also this is a kinda irl au so yeah.

Purpled's pov

I heard my alarm from my phone go off again I didn't want to get up I felt cold after about 10 minutes of the alarms that I set went off I decided I should just get this day over with I got out of bed, and then went to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. I then got dressed in some blue jeans and a purple long sleeved shirt and then grabbed my older brothers hoodie he had left for me before he passed away a few weeks ago I still remember being next to him till Niki pulled me away from his limb body. All I remember that day was the war, then seeing dream push punz then I remembered tuning to him,his last words to me was

"promise to take care of yourself after I'm gone,I've never really told u but I love you little brother"... I felt my breaths getting shaky remembering me trying to punch dream or do something to him to make him feel pain till he knocked me down to the ground with one blow to the face. I remember waking up at pinks after he told me that I had blacked out after dream pushed me and then pink handed me punz's white hoodie he wore all the fucking time, pink handed the hoodie to me and I remember just crying I felt like a cry baby crying but pink told me that I shouldn't think that way that I should morn my brothers death before trying to move on. I was about to sit back down till my stupid brain started that process that happens every day now scents punz's funeral they were memories of when me and punz were young I think me and him got adopted around the age of 6 years old for me and punz was around 10 or 11 but we didn't grow up in a good hope it was hell all I remember from those years was just yelling and punz in his bed crying in pain he had to deal with bullying and our "loving adopted parents" making him do everything around the house and if he didn't do it right...he would have to stay home for a few days from the bruises that our

"dad" gave him. I started to remember more and more bad memories which I hated so fucking much but I'm happy I had punz for a brother, and then I felt myself starting to hyperventilate and I knew I needed someone anyone to help me usually punz would help me with my PTSD episodes but he wasn't here

"Fuck what am I gonna do without u punz... why did you leave me dumbass"
But then I remembered I has a figet toy next to my bed somewhere on my stand I tried to find it till I felt something sharp I proceeded to turn on my phones flashlight and found a pocket knife next to my stand and grabbed the knife without thinking and I opened it

"That's weird why does it look so sharp?"
I looked to see if I could find something till I found the owners name on it and I finally figured out it was punz he must have left it for me to use for self defense and then I thought of something
"M-maybe if I...!"

I proceeded to put the blade on my arm it cut my arm almost instantly and drew some blood rather fast I proceeded to do it I felt like a dick I could have been there for punz if I was there and not with Tommy and tubbo punz would be alive! I then cut more of my skin I counted them all after there was 5...7...9...12...15, there was 15 cuts on my arm my arm was a mess and so was my purple sheets from my blood. I got up to wash off my arm before I heard my door bell go off I scrambled to my bathroom. Not letting my arm get a chance to relax from the cold water I wined at the pain I felt after I washed off my arm I bandaged it and then went over to my bed and hid the purple sheets with my purple blanket. I fixed up my hoodie making sure there wasn't blood on it and opened the door and there don't in front of me was non other than...

To be continued...

[ Hello author here this is my first ever one shot so please be nice I tried to make this at 3 am and I'm super fucking tired rn ]

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