🤕😔Platonic Fluff & angst Beeduo

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TW: body shaming, urges of self harm and k1ll themselves, just people being assholes to tubbo really

(And at a few points Ranboo swears? If that is supposed to be a warning?)

Also non of this is real but this is using both tubbo and Ranboo irl and no I'm not shipping them in anyway shape or form all the boys do is lay on the couch and Ranboo calms Tubbo down and yes they do cuddle but it's platonic I swear me and my 2 platonic wife's and 2 platonic partners do it sometimes when one of us need comfort or attention.

Context of why I wrote this: I havent liked my body image for a while now so I just have bad issues with it and finding clothes I like that aren't 2 times my size and this one shot is based off the insident when someone called tubbo "chubbo" in his chat

Ranboo was finally over it the UK, after what seemed like forever he was finally gonna be able to see his friends Tommy,Tubbo,Jack,Phil,Niki and a few others. Let's skip to about 2 weeks after he came to the UK he was on the couch he had taken as a bed while tubbo had his own bed already, that day both teens didn't stream, mostly because they didn't know what to stream so they mostly just sat around on social media and watched movies till about late at midnight or maybe 1 am after that Ranboo and Tubbo had gotten around for bed and both layed down after saying good night to both but Ranboo was slightly concerned for tubbos mental and physical health. Ranboo had noticed tubbo's loss in eating so he tried his best to get him to eat by having him try food in his newest video but it didn't seem to work that much, and his tired eyes and not paying attention much as he did before as if he couldnt listen even if he wanted to.
Ranboo really did want to help his friend but he never knew what to say, he didn't want to push tubbo but also he didn't want tubbo to go to the hospital because of the one reason that scared him to death anytime thinking about it.

[Time skip to 2:30 am]

Ranboo was fast asleep till he had heard a small noise in the kitchen or hallway then heared a door close thinking tubbo had went to the bathroom or he went for a late night walk, but after about 12 minutes of tubbo not coming out or texting him that he was out on a walk to clear his head, Ranboo got concerned and had woken up fully. And he had every right to be concerned. Not knowing that his friend was look at himself in the mirror as he read horrible and discussing tweets about how he looked and people criticizing him on his body and height and almost everything else about him, at this point tubbo was done he had tried to keep this from Ranboo the best he could as he took a pill bottle of ibeprophen off the counter shelf he was looking at it for such a long time he was crying not knowing what to do his mind was spiraling out of control knowing damn right he should put the pills up and talk to ranboo...or it would be better if he just took about 10 pills maybe 15 and it would be over in the matter of minutes maybe or maybe few cvts will do him good but he just needed a sharp objet first which he could find easily in the kitchen-. But all of a sudden he heard a knock on the bathroom door which scared him and he dropped the bottle which Ranboo heard the pills scater on the floor which scared him worse but, he tried to sound the calmest that he could not knowing what Tubbo was going through or thinking so he let out his voice as he tried to not sound scared

"hey u-umm tubbo? You in there, I wanted to talk to you for a minute or 2..." Ranboo waited for a response but heard nothing which made his heart pound even more
(in a scared way not shipping istg)

Tubbo heard the younger teens voice from the door not knowing what to do as he shuffled around trying to clean his face and take care of the pills and put them up in almost the same spot and opened the door once done cleaning and put on a smile
"So what is it Boss man?" As he looked up at Ranboo he could see the poor 6'6 teen that look as if he had just seen someone he was close dearly to pass on right infront of him and Tubbo knew why and looked down. "So, I think u know by now right?"

Ranboo looked at the smaller boy and hugged him holding back his trembling voice "please don't fucking do that again Tubbo Jesus Christ!" Ranboo was hugging tubbo as if he needed to for his life and Tubbo felt ashamed, ashamed that he was gonna try an fix his problems just by ending his life and he hated himself for even thinking it was ok, ok to leave everyone behind everyone that he ever loved like his sister,mother,father,his cat, and his friends, and his fans as well. After a few minutes of Ranboo begging him not to ever try and pull that stupid shit again Tubbo hugged him back as he felt his tears run once again down his face and he tried to speak the best he can

"I-I'm sorry,so v-very sorry I wont i promise i will vo to you or tommy, Phil,Wiblur,Tommy anyone that can help me i will g-go to I sweat on my fucking heart!" Ranboo felt a light pressure off his shoulders but not completely go he still wanted his friend safe so he made tubbo come sit with him on the couch as he played some soft music for them to both calm dowm to it was mostly indie music and other stuff mostly Cavetown and other songs they both burst into laughter at one point when tubbo played dreams song "Mask the sus remix" but they settled down shortly after getting a text from Lani telling them to shut up before she gets up and makes them both. It made Ranboo even more concerned of why shorter people can be more scary still, a while after Ranboo decided it was time to ask Tubbo what he was planning in the bathroom, Tubbo had said he was wanting to k1ll himself after everything he had went through from his body shaming to that disgusting and fucked up poppytwt making gross comments about him,Tommy, Ranboo and he hated it all the fact that he had to live with the fact he couldn't stop it at all he felt like he couldn't do it after seeing someone telling him it would be better if he wasn't here in this world so he thought he could do it but in the end he could never not to Ranboo,Tommy,Wilbur, or any of his friends he couldn't stand the thought of their reactions to his passing and he couldn't stomach the fact that the first one that would find him would be Ranboo. As Tubbo looked up he saw Ranboo crying, he felt like shit he knew what Ranboo went through with his cousin he could never make him re-live that with his friend

[ 2 hour time skip]

After about 2 in a half hours of talking about everything the 2 boys had fallen asleep on the couch with Ranboo on his side while tubbo was asleep laying on his stomach as tubbo hogged Ranboo blanket they where cuddling but it wouldn't have happened if Ranboo was too paranoid of course he trusted tubbo but he didn't want his friend to get any more ideas so Ranboo request that tubbo where to stay with him and cuddle so he feels as he and him as safe Tubbo had laughed at it thinking it was a joke but realized it wasn't and agreed knowing if he went to his bed he would find Ranboo asleep on the floor next to his bed that morning..........

Holy fucking SHIT 1490 words ayyy! that is a lot this took me about 2 days to finish considering I didn't know how to write the last bit to make it sound as platonic as possible but I hope this is ok please remember do not sexualize people if they say not to and do not sexulize teens and kids for fuck sackes those people are just horrible in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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