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Ryder looked at Marshall.

"It's my turn, right?" Marshall asked. Ryder said:" Your partly right. It's fromLightningPelt12 who said:" Great job with all of these!

Truth for all the pups to tell who they have a crush on.

Dare for Marshall to jump rope thirty times without getting his paws tangled up (if he can).""

Rocky said:" I'm not still in love." Rubble said:"Rabia." "The pup from Desert Adventure?" Chase asked. Rubble nodded and said:" But we don't see each other very much. And i may change my mind." Blaze and Justice said each other names and blushed. Crush sighed and said:" I like Bella. But i don't think that i love her." Bella said:"I have nobody who i have the crush on." Falcon said:"I met the female Dachshund in Adventure Bay named Holly. And i may like her little bit." Others are obious already. Soo...

It's time for Marshall's dare. Ryder took the jump rope and gave one side to Chase. Marshall started jumping. "Don't stumble! Don't stumble!" he said in his mind. Soon he did 30 jumps and tried another one but now he stepped on it and rope slipped from Ryder's hands. Marshall was now strangeled with Chase in the jump rope.

Ryder laughed. "At least i did it!" Marshall said.

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