Hitch Dreyse x Confessions~🍋~

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You and hitch have been friends since yall started middle school you thought she was different from other people especially you..so therefore you decided to become friends with her.

You and hitch are now both in college together and by fate you two became room mates and now share a dorm room together which have been going good so far until....Hitch started acting a little..strange

You and hitches friendship was always good and everybody wanted yall friendship because of how close yall was..you both was just super comfortable around each other like you'll be laying down and hitch would randomly just cuddle you and go to sleep

You and hitch was just basically super close but lately she's been distant and you don't know why because you haven't done anything wrong..right?

Hitch had just walked back into the dorms while you was sitting on your bed you looked up and yall made eye contact but she quickly broke it..you had enough of whatever she had going on so you said-


"Yes y/n"

You scrunched up your face because hitch never calls you by your first name you hopped off your bed and walked towards her..hitchs back was facing you at the moment so you reached out and turned her towards you and said

"Hitch what's wrong with you"

"Nothing y/n" she said looking away from you with a blank face

"You lying to me right now?"

"It's nothing y/n just drop it" she said trying to walk away but you quickly grabbed her and turned her back towards you

You grabbed her face and said

"Baby talk to me"

"THAT..thats what's wrong with me y/n" hitch said kind of yelling

You pulled back

"I don't understa-

"Of course you don't y/n....I want you so bad everything you do makes me wanna fuck you so bad that it's weird and it's driving me fucking nuts y/n" Hitch said walking away from you sitting on her bed with her elbow on her knees and her hands on her forehead looking down


You had no words it was like your mouth couldn't produce a single word nor sentence at the moment

"If you wanted me you could've just told me" you said to hitch

"No..y/n I couldn't it's not that easy because I couldve fucked up our friendship by saying something to you or expressing my feelings toward you so I just kept quiet but..you..you just ugh..I don't know" Hitch said a little frustrated

"You do know"

"I didn't know even know I liked girls also until..we got here in college and started living together it was like the shit you wore or even just the way you treated me I've never had that before so you doing certain stuff made me realize alot of stuff"

"How long have you..known"

"About three months just..the timespan that we've been here in the dorms"

"Oh..well I'm sorry" You said


"For not atleast realizing your feelings towards me..that must've been hard"

"It was but I manged you know"

"Yeah I completely understand"You said then the room fell completely silent until you heard her say

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