Hitch Dreyse x I promise ~🌧~

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Please read: This chapter will contain major trigger warnings

Trigger warnings: Suicidal attempts, Sucidial Thoughts, Mentions of blood

*Play song now*

You were in your room in your bed listening to sad music trying to cry out all your feelings and emotions once again for the fourth night in a row

Honestly it was depressing and you were just tired of holding onto this thin thread for everyone around you who actually cared for you

You took out your headphones and sat up on your bed staring off into space while the tears just continued to flow and flow you wiped them as much as you could knowing that they would just replace themselves

Looking over on your dresser you saw a pair of black scissors that hitch left on it from helping you cut your box braids

You grabbed them and placed your finger into the holes quickly opening and closing them repeatedly trying to take your mind off doing what your mind constantly told you to

"No" You said putting them onto your dresser placing your hands on your head rubbing your forehead you thought it over and over until you finally just gave in

You grabbed the scissors and quickly headed to the bathroom before you thought twice about it you closed the bathroom door and went to the sink

Hitches Pov:

I texted y/n multiple times and got no response I started to worry but kept my composure until I felt the need to ride over to her house to check up on her which wouldn't take me long since we live two blocks away from each other

Back to Your Pov:

"I can't" You said looking into the mirror crying you loved the people around you but felt the need to take away your life

I mean don't get me wrong you sometimes loved your life but most of the time it beat your ass constantly over and over to the point you couldn't handle it most of the time when you got like this you always somehow had hitch there to talk to and make you smile but this time she just wasnt there

"Sorry hitch" You said opening up the pair of scissors grabbing the inside and held the sharp side to your left wrist you bald up your fist and lowered the pair of scissors on your wrist quickly making your first cut

You cried out in pain from how quickly you made the permanent mark but you just grabbed a shirt and rolled it up putting it in you mouth to muffle the screams that escaped your mouth

You started the third cut but you heard your front open and you started to quickly panic you turned on the water trying to wash off the scissors when most of the blood was off you closed them and sat them on the counter put your wrist under the water which was a bad idea because once it touched the water you yelped out in pain because it burned

"Y/n" You heard hitch outside the bathroom door

"Shit shit shit" You said lowly wiping your tears but more came because of how bad you were panicking scared for her to see you like this

"Open up the door"

"No hitch I'm using the bathroom" You said trying to sound as normal as possible

"I've seen you naked just open the door I wanna make sure your ok" She said knocking once more

You took the shirt that was once in your mouth and wrapped it around your wrist fast and tight and turned on the water trying to wash the blood in the sink out

You turned the water off and turned to the door and opened it but slightly to where hitch could only see your hair and eyes

"Are you gonna open it up mo- why are you crying" She said with her smile instantly dropping now worried for you curious as to why your crying

You was about to talk the tears came once again you hated it and hated that you were seen like this by hitch but you couldn't put up a strong front anymore

Hitch quickly opened up your bathroom door it didn't take her long to figure out what the scene infront of her represented

"Come here" She said with tears welling up in her eyes motioning for you to come to her

You didn't budge so she grabbed your arm and pulled you to her you bursted out in tears instantly from finally feeling arms wrap around you with so much love poured into it

She lowered you both onto the floor and just held you while you cried onto her she rubbed your back and head slowly just taking in all your emotions onto her

"Y/n..w- what's wrong" She said trying to keep herself strong for you both

"I can't anymore hitch" You choked out trying to explain to her whats your problem

"It's ok" she said rocking you back and fourth

"you don't have to talk..I understand"

Hitch sat and rocked you repeatedly before asking
"Can I see your arm"

"No" You said as fast as you could

"Please y/n" She said pulling away from you looking at your eyes well trying to but your head was down

You didnt say anything you just moved your arm a little giving her a chance to see your arm she gently took your hand and turned your arm and unwrapped the shirt slowly looking at the deep cut

"Lets get you cleaned up" She said trying not to let you she her tear up

Hitch stood up and grabbed your right hand standing you up with her and she cleaned up the womb for you and wrapped it

After she was done tending to you she led you to your room and laid you down she soon followed behind you and cuddled you holding onto you tightly almost scared to let you go

"Y/n" She said but you didn't respond but honestly she didn't expect a response

"Please promise me that you wont try to take your life again I- I can't live without you please y/n I beg you I know you wont talk to me about what's going on but I promise ill be there for you at all times ill be there for you more just don't ever try to do that again I could've lost you tonight and just that thought alone just kills me inside I love you y/n I love you so so much we can go through this together" She said sniffing snuggling her face in your back to keep you from seeing her crying her eyes out

"I won't I promise" You said turning around wiping her tears slowly grabbing her comforting her honestly just seeing anybody cry for you showing that much emotion for your life was enough for you to want to change

"I'm never leaving you by yourself again I'm always gonna be here for you I promise y/n" She said

"Thank you hitch" You said laying your head on top of her feeling relieved that she came tonight

Hitch kept her promise and stayed with you everyday after that she moved in with you not to long after the incident scared to leave you by yourself you and hitchs relationship grew stronger and you were overall happier with the way your life was going during this time

Word count: 1283

AN- Yall this honestly written and inspired by someone around me and I wanted to try and make her feel better by writing this for her.

I hope you enjoyed and I love each and every one of you if this brung out any bad feelings please feel free to talk to me once again thanks for the support.🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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