Chapter 2: Reunited

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"Look, I just need to get by. My pass fell off back there.", I say, pointing to the meet and greet station. "Ma'am, I'm prepared to give you an offer. Go back and get it, and come back to the front of the line. Well, that, or don't come in.", the security guard says, obviously annoyed. I scrambled back through the crowd scouring for the backstage pass. Crawling underneath hundreds of people, I stop when I slam into a pair of tall legs. I look up as I realize who it is. It's Harry Styles. I just touched the legs of freaking Harry Styles. Crap. I didn't just touch his legs I slammed into them. HE'LL HATE ME FOR LIFE!!!!! Instead of boasting at my ignorance, Harry reaches a hand down, "What are you doing down there?", he says as I take his hand. "I um, I just I lost my um my backstage pass and I came back here and I can't find it and then I started crawling and then I bumped into you and I was like ahh I just bumped into Harry Styles what a coincidence haaa...and now I'm rambling...sorry about that.", I say, obviously nervous in the presence of my hero. Harry smirks and subtly bites his full lip,"Oh, don't be sorry! I actually happen to think it's kind of adorable." I giggle as a realize what my goal was,"Oh I um, I love you and I don't want to leave but you should probably get backstage and I should well..find my pass..or go..home...because I can't find it anywhere and I'm 99% sure someone stole it so..yea um...bye...?" I say, walking away slowly. Harry grabs my arm gently and spins me around,"Ya know, I've got some pull backstage..would you like me to get you in?" Unable to control my excitement, I shriek a little,"Okayy so I guess that's a yes?", Harry replies in response to my obnoxious shriek. "Mm mmhmm!!", I utter, unable to speak.

"Just a little further, Holly." Harry says, lightly pulling my finger as he speed walks down a narrow hallway. We've been walking for ten minutes now, and still haven't reached the meet and greet room.

"Harry!" I say, getting worried. "Why in the world is this taking so long? The meet and greet room was five minutes back!"

"Oh, Holly...just...just hold on, trust me, okay?" Harry says. Suddenly he makes a sharp turn into a dark room. He pushes me against a solid wall and presses his lips to mine. My eyes widen in surprise, and my heart shakes. I feel a tingling sensation rush through my body as he gently bites my lower lip.

Reluctantly,  I softly push Harry away "You have to get to the meet and greet...the um fans are waiting.." I say as a scratch my head, wondering how I could be so stupid. Harry plants one last kiss on my lips and slowly walks away, gently tugging my sleeve and guiding me back to the meet and greets.

"Dude! What took you so long? We've been waiting twenty minutes!", Louis says suspiciously.

"I-" "We-" Harry and I both say, interrupting each other. I give Harry a look as to tell him to let me talk and utter the words "We um, we got lost. I thought it was one way, he insisted another, I was wrong, blah blah blah..." 

Harry looks at me, brows tilted downwards, in utter confusion at my choice in excuses. He mouths "Cliche much?" with a smirk. I shrug, embarrassed at my apparent idiocy.

"OH. MY. GOD. Harry Styles!!!!" a twelve year old girl shrieks as she runs toward him, hugging him tight. Jealousy creeps up my spine and I shiver at her obvious love for him. I basically zone out for the whole meet up and am finally made aware of my surroundings when Mick waves her hand in my face. "Um? Holly? Helloo? Anybody in there?" Mick jerks me awake and I jump at the sudden engagement. "Oh my god! What happened?" I say, confused as can be. It's like I was in a daze, the whole time all I could think about was Harry's lips against mine.

"You missed the whole dang thing! You bought those tickets and you stood here the whole freaking time! Oh my god Holly, we know you're rich but really? That was just stupid." Mick says, snapping at me for no apparent reason.

"Um? Did um.. Did Harry leave?" I feel selfish only asking for him, but I need his number or something at least.

Mick looks strangely calm in the presence of a question so selfish, she smirks, "Yea, although he did say something about you meeting him in some sort of room. I don't know. Sounds sketchy to me."

I smile, knowing exactly what room he's talking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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