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^ art is by shingo tamagawa 

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^ art is by shingo tamagawa 

hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! to those who managed to stick around and drag themselves through this shit, thank you very, very much.

before i say anything, i wanna say biggest thank you to jah server 2.0 :]]]] LOV U GUYS!!!!!!!! 

✿ anyway, this is usually the bit in books where they're like the Author lives in Coventry with their loving two children and three dogs and one wife. They enjoy sitting by the telly and sipping a cuppa, watching footballers having a wank on the super league and are currently writing their next novel titled XYZ. 

✿ ok HI i am vi?? vik?? viki??? i love making my friends rage on dbd and i love repressing my childhood memories <3

✿ now here's my acknowledgements. Biggest thanks to my mom for being the way she is like hi this book would not have been possible without you. Thanks to everyone from jah 2.0 for being funny. Pretty sure everyone in my neighbourhood hears me laughing when i talk to you guys. Also thank you to the annoying people i muted because you're my stress relief <3 And thank you to the clout chasers for giving me things to bitch about on discord.

✿ this book was titled "floating like a lilo" or "lilo" for short because i just named it after a song i listened to on repeat for a bit back in november 2020. the song lilo itself has no real connotations or affiliations with this book, although i will say you can apply the lyrics in some forced context. to "float" would be to survive, or at least remain in this calm placid, plateau, neither dead nor alive. 

✿ now if you have any questions i'll probably be just as clueless as you but hey yeah sure go ahead. I think this book lost it's way like half way into the plot and i wish i could eradicate most of it from my head. 

✿ yeah, idk how to feel about this book.... i wont lie, looking at the old chapters makes me cringe because 1) i wrote them in disturbing circumstances and 2) OHH its so overly poetically shitty i swear smh... this book wasn't even a fucking VENT book???!?! it was just a way of trying to process my terrible childhood lmfao ... livin vicariously thru y/n 

✿ when i started this book in nov 2020, i was... struggling... or whatever...i dont like remembering anything thats sad but i will say that re-reading the chapters makes me relive literally all the horrible things that happened for me to write this book LMAOAHAJKAH so basically i am not ever going to edit this book for grammar mistakes or inconsistencies etc. 

✿ i havent read the manga or bothered to finish the anime. sorry i hyperfixated on it for 2 weeks back in november and now im stuck like this. blame my Ego Booster playlist or worse blame my MovieStarPlanet pets. so basically idk wtf goes in jjk, i literally dont know shit and i had to google EVERYTHING?? at one point i was reading fucking transcripts of the anime episodes cuz i couldnt be bothered to watch it... ohhhh whats wrong with me.

✿ i hate writing fight scenes bc i am lazy so thats why i skipped literally every single thing in this book WHOOPS. anyway maybe ill pick up jjk in the future but even though i like putting myself through hell over this, it may be a FAT No. i can only tolerate so many things ya know...

✿ so ?!?!?!?! anywayz let me break down the book ending bc 1) i wrote it in lieu of doing my coursework and 2) i dont actually know wtf went on there, it was some arcade donkey kong K.O bullshit. also bc i saw some comments and they were like "WTF" "desparados" Ok girlie... chill

SO WHAT HAPPENED IN THE ENDING1!!! y/n killed her mother which severed her connection with sukuna, therefore ridding her of him in her head + body. it is revealed that y/n had also killed her mother when she was 10, which i kinda hinted that??? i hope yall got the hint... it was in the epigraph at the beginning of the book "and yet each man kills the thing he loves." i like to think that y/n is just some seriously fucked up kid that had to grow up way too fast and didn't have a proper childhood to enjoy or mature from so nows she some creepy lame weak little stick idk. 

✿ UHHH, will there be a sequel. i fucking HOPE not. i cannot do this again yall, i spent a year writing this book and i literally lost my entire sanity, years of my life, doing so. HFJKQWHSZJVKHSJK also motivation was sluggish + mentally i am all over the place. it's hard to write a book when ur feeling great but the context in which u had written the other chapters were when u were in a very bad place ya know

✿ i wanna write an epilogue chapter to kinda finalise the ending, so it gives some context about the aftermath... so i will hopefully get cracking on that at some point although i cant make any promises. anyway, catch me um.. not doing hw...

u can go ahead and ask questions but lmfao trust me, i am very stupid about jjk

Byebye from Vikkstar123

Floating Like a Lilo ── Itadori Yuuji (✓)Where stories live. Discover now