If you don't know what is a POV, it's short for "Point of view." There are 5 different types of point of views.
First Person point of view: This type of story is told by the character him/herself, which includes lots of pronouns like: I, me, and my.
Ex: Leafy POV: I was sitting in my room, watching the birds outside. Suddenly, someone stepped into my room. I looked back. It was Lollipop.
Second Person point of view: The story is told to you, which includes pronouns like: you, your, and yours.
Ex: Leafy POV: You were sitting by the window, looking at Firey telling Gelatin to get some milk. You realized someone walked into your room. It was Fries, your arch nemesis.
Third Person point of view, limited: This is a narrator telling you what's happening from a character's perspective, but he or she can only focus on a single character. He or she looks through the world from his eyes.
Ex: Toilet looked up, betrayed, angered, and jealous at MePad. He knew that he had to come up with a plan to demonstrate his loyalty to MePhone, and fast.
Third Person point of view, omniscient: Unlike Third Person point of view, limited, the narrator is all-knowing, meaning that he has access to every single characters' thoughts.
Ex: Lightbulb was telling a story to Test Tube, but Test Tube couldn't stop thinking of digging holes in the yard.
PS: link for more https://thewritepractice.com/point-of-view-guide/
Anyhow, don't change you type of POV. This simple tip is something that's simple, but easily forgotten. If you write First Person in one paragraph, don't just switch to Third Person Limited in the next one. Sure, you can change which character you're actually speaking as, but don't go overboard for 20 POVs in a chapter. The people reading the stories don't actually have a brain stating which POV is in which paragraph, let alone a storyboard. Also, it might get confusing for your readers, because no one has a chart by their side at all times.
Tips on how to actually write stuff
Krótkie OpowiadaniaHere are some ways to write stuff.